The cause of throat pain, in fact, is often to be found in an "inflammation and irritation of this" body area. The causes that lead to the onset of the inflammatory process can be many and require specific treatments to be resolved. However, in many cases, the painful stimulus can be countered with a symptomatic treatment based on drugs and anti-inflammatory products.
Before proceeding with analyzing these products in more detail, it may be useful to review what a sore throat is and what its causes are.
and laryngitis. These are, respectively, inflammation of the pharynx (the muscular-membranous duct that forms the posterior region of the mouth), inflammation of the tonsils (in particular, palatine tonsils) and inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords contained in it. .
The causes that can lead to the onset of the aforementioned inflammations can be various. Among the most common are undoubtedly viral infections (for example, caused by cold and flu viruses) and infections of a bacterial nature, but not only that, in fact, inflammatory processes can also take place following irritative phenomena of various origins and nature.