Yoga is a discipline of ancient origin, which combines physical and mental training. One of its most known and practiced types, Hatha Yoga, aims at achieving an even greater inner well-being, synchronizing the exercises with the phases of the moon.
Hatha Yoga takes its name from the fusion of the Sanskrit words ha, sun, and tha, moon, and is based on the idea that yoga can balance these polar energies, both of which are present within each individual.
The lunar cycle refers to the eight phases of the moon as seen from Earth and according to this discipline it can have a real influence on people's energy levels and help them understand their emotions more deeply.
Furthermore, although there is no scientific evidence for this, according to some studies, heart rate and blood pressure are both lower during full and new moons, and there is a link between the moon phase and sleep.
Another type of yoga that promises several benefits is hot yoga, as well as the 30 day challenge.
These are the most suitable Yoga exercises based on the moon phase.
, and is therefore perfect for freeing the space within oneself from old things in which one no longer recognizes oneself.How to practice:
- focus on defining future intentions, shifting perspective and visualizing new beginnings;
- keep the practice slow and meditative.
The ideal poses are:
- Sirsasana;
- Tadasana;
- Viparita Karani, or laying legs on the wall.
The ideal poses are:
- Dandayamana Janushirasana, or standing head to knee posture;
- Utkatasana, or chair position;
- Virabhadrasana I, II and III, or Warrior I, Warrior II and Warrior III.
The ideal poses are:
- Navasana, or boat stance;
- Ardha Chandrasana, or half moon posture;
- Bhujangasana, or cobra posture.
The ideal poses are:
- Greetings to the sun;
- Greetings to the moon;
- Ustrasana, or camel posture;
- Dandayamana Dhanurasana, or standing bow;
- Viparita Virabhadrasana, or Warrior in reverse.
The ideal poses are:
- Supta Matsyendrasana, or Reclining Twist;
- Savasana, or corpse posture;
- Supta Kapotasana, or lying pigeon with props.