This program, undoubtedly unconventional but potentially useful, in 2003 was reported as the best training of the year in the USA.
ShutterstockTranslated into Italian as "hypetrofic anti-stabilization program for bodybuilding" or "hypertrophy anti-bodybuilding program", this system is based on the construction of muscle strength as a substantial requirement for the development of hypertrophy, through much more functional exercises than those practicable on isotonic machines.
Attention! In this article, a specific theory will be described, which does not necessarily have to be understood as totally correct. The author of the article, in particular, does not embrace the idea that isotonic machines should be considered useless tools; of course, they do not have the same impact compared to some heavy multi-joint exercises, but they are still very useful - especially in the case of limitations. functional or in the search for "isolation".
Furthermore, below we will talk exclusively about a training protocol, but we know very well that, if the diet does not provide more nutrients than the normal requirement, the growth in terms of cross section of the muscle cannot take place conspicuously.
or BIIO), the "Anti-Bodybuilding Hypertrophy Program is based precisely on the greater proximity of training stimuli.
This is because soliciting the muscles only once a week does not allow for a real increase in strength.
The strongest men of the past - actually even the present, if we consider athletes in disciplines such as powerlifting - have always adopted a "high frequency in the micro cycle.
On a purely theoretical level, the more frequent the sessions, the better.
Remove priority from live time (TUT)
Method widely used to increase the fatigue of the sets (sets), the increase of the TUT requires a lowering of the overload.
Logically, if working at failure I could perform 3 repetitions (rep) in flat bench press with an overload of 100 kg and respecting TUT of 4-5 seconds (""), increasing the latter to 10 "" the "fatigue" potentially "double, requiring to reduce the overload.
The elevated TUTs would aim to emphasize the eccentric phase of the movement. Since stimulating the latter has a marked effect on the increase of the transverse section, many think that the elevated TUTs are indispensable.
On the other hand, c is to say that the eccentric force is higher than the isometric one and even more than the concentric one. It means that by using a single load to perform all three phases - as is customary - we will stimulate more the concentric capacity and less the eccentric one.
Therefore, if you really want to work on strength in eccentrism, you should prefer techniques such as purely negative repetitions or, at most, those pressed in total deplection. However, these are techniques that require the presence of an expert spotter and very difficult to manage.
These also affect other useful characteristics of the high TUTs, which are:
- greater safety of execution (avoiding ballistic rebounds, excessive stretching, etc.);
- facilitation of complete ROMs (due to the minor amount of overload).
Having said this, it is unlikely that, in an advanced subject, a real hypertrophic adaptation can be obtained by increasing the TUT a lot and consequently decreasing the overload.Fiber recruitment becomes incomplete, the energy substrate becomes glycogen, and the lactic acid spike decreases the chances of developing high intensity rates at the next set.
A good solution is to greatly reduce the number of reps, keeping both TUTs and overloads high; but you would not get a peak in force delivery comparable to that of a typical 5 rep x 5 set.
Avoid excessive stimulation in terms of volume
In this respect, however, the "Anti-Bodybuilding Hypertrophy Program is very close to" Heavy Duty. Quoting: "To grow we must stimulate, not annihilate!"
C "is an absolute limit to the amount (volume) of hypertrophy-inducing stimuli that must be applied in a given session; this limit is very far from muscle exhaustion.
The weekly monofrequency cannot therefore have the same stimulus potential as the multifrequency since, by increasing the volume of the session too much, not only unnecessarily exceeds the growth stimulus, but tends to impoverish the contractile tissue.
Avoid sagging
This does not specifically affect the volume, but the load, therefore also the intensity.
The Anti-Establishment Bodybuilding Hypertrophy Program advises against putting too much strain on the central nervous system (CNS), because this would prevent a certain proximity of the training sessions.
In practical terms we could say that, in order not to reduce the expression of strength and preserve a certain neural "freshness", it becomes essential to start training "buffer" (with reserve rep).
Getting used to DOMS
It is useless to lie: increasing the number of sessions in the micro cycle it is unthinkable that the muscles are not at least sore.
DOMS have not yet been directly related to recovery and supercompensation. Therefore, the Anti-Bodybuilding Hypertrophy Program suggests learning to endure them while still training.
These will decrease over time and could benefit from the nutritional increase - but to do this requires that the diet be clean, or the risk would become that of increasing fat mass.
Technique: similar to the rest-pause in super-set, alternating one exercise with another by placing a rest / recovery of 60 "" between them
Total sets per muscle group: 10
Rep per set: 3
Overload: 80% 1RM
Recovery: 60 ""
Movement plane: horizontal
Examples: flat bench press with barbell, barbell rowing prone grip, low pulley (both movements for the back using a prone grip, with the same width as the bench).
Day 2: OFF
Day 3: thighs, abs and calves
Technique: similar to rest-pause in super-set, alternating one exercise with another by placing a rest / recovery of 60 "" between them
Total sets per muscle group: 5
Rep per set: 10
Overload: 60% 1RM
Recovery: 60 ""
Examples: barbell front squat, hanging pike, standing calf.
Day 4: OFF
Day 5: chest and back
Total sets per muscle group: 5
Rep per set: 10
Overload: 60% 1RM
Recovery: 60 ""
Movement plane: vertical
Examples: dip with semi-prone and wide handle, chin-up / pull-up
Day 6: OFF
Day 7: thighs, abs, calves
Total sets per muscle group: 10
Rep per set: 3
Overload: 80% 1RM
Recovery: 60 ""
Examples: deadlift, decline sit-up, seated calf raise
Day 8: OFF
Days 9 and 17
Same as day 1, but with 4 reps x sets on day 9 and 5 reps x sets on day 17.
Days 11 and 19
Like day 3, but with 65% and 70% of 1RM.
Days 13 and 21
Like day 5, but with 65% and 70% of 1RM.
Days 15 and 23
Same as day 7, but with 4 reps x sets on day 15 and 5 reps x sets on day 23
Note: the days that are not listed are, of course, OFF days, in which you can work on flexibility or aerobic activity (but in moderation).
What to do in the second 23 days
Once the first 23 days of the original program are over, proceed as follows.
Reverse the plane of motion on days with different intensities
For example, day 1 will have 5 sets of 10 rep, with horizontal plane of motion.
The same recoveries will be used (60 "") and always the alternation between agonists and antagonists.
Make the same change to the lower body
For example, day 3 will have 10 sets of 3-5 reps with the same sequence of giant sets (e.g., front squats, rest, hanging pikes, rest, standing calf raises, rest, etc.).
Continue the program ending 23 days.
(20-30 °) with barbell.
Traction exercises: prone row on an inclined bench (30 °) with dumbbells and supine rowing with barbell.
Day 2: chest and back
No weight training. Do 15-20 minutes of medium to high intensity aerobics (incline treadmill walking, jogging, HIIT, etc.)
Day 3: thighs, abs and calves
Technique: Perform all the exercises in a giant, circuit series.
Total sets per muscle group: 4
Movements by muscle group: 1
Rep per set: 12
Plane of motion: lower body dominant on the hip
Load: 15 reps maximum (technical failure, not concentric muscle)
Recovery: 60 ""
Exercises: barbell half deadlift *, standing cable crunch **, calf raises leg press ***
* Perform with a barbell, but only lower the bar until it is level with your upper shins
** You can also use traditional dumbbell sit-ups
*** If no leg press is available, perform the standing calf raise
Day 4
Technique: no weight training. Perform 15-20 minutes of medium to high intensity aerobics.
Day 5: chest and back
Technique: perform all the exercises in a giant series, in a circular fashion.
Total sets per muscle group: 4
Movements by muscle group: 2
Rep per set: 12
Plane of motion: vertical upper body
Load: 15 reps maximum (technical failure, not concentric muscle)
Cooldown: 75 "" between the giant series
Push exercises: military press with standing dumbbells and dips
Pull-up exercises: chin-ups (pull-ups) and upright rows
Day 6
No weight training. Perform 15-20 "" of medium to high intensity aerobics.
Day 7: thighs, abs and calves
Technique: Perform all sets below before moving on to the next exercise as described on Day 1
Total sets per muscle group: 6
Movements by muscle group: 1
Rep per set: 5
Plane of motion: quadruple dominant lower body
Load: 7 maximum repetitions (technical failure, not concentric muscle)
Rest: 60 "" between sets
Exercises: Barbell Back Squat (Full ROM), Standing Cable Crunch *, Donkey Calf Raises **
* If no cables are available, do a dumbbell sit-up.
** If no tool is available to perform the donkey calf raises, perform the seated calf raises.
Day 8: OFF
Day 9
Repeat the sequence for another two weeks. At the end of the program, change the movement plans with the strength training methods as described in step I.