After about three months of progressively heavier training, Tom Platz - in his book "BodyBuilding by Professionals"- recommends using split training in" upper part "and" lower part "for a total of four weekly workouts.
ShutterstockThis training routine, which is the one shown below, is recommended for anyone with a "seniority of" training ranging from one to four years.
To many readers already facing the world of hard bodybuilding, this program may seem overly simple; on the other hand, according to Platz, the "key" to improve oneself in terms of muscle mass and strength certainly does not lie in the "intricacy" of the workouts, but in its effectiveness.
It remains advisable for everyone to start the important series (sets) - eg. 3 sets for 3 reps (rep) or the 3 sets x 5 reps - with a light weight, fairly lower than your potential. This allows you to progressively increase the overload (2.5 or 5.0 kg) every week, with minimal difficulty, and for a good period of time (eight / ten weeks). Although it may seem unusual to some, this method is widely used in strength sports.
According to Platz, even with only small adjustments, it is possible to use this routine for at least two years with good results. The important thing is to try to constantly but correctly increase the overloads, with more attention on the heavier sets.
Below are the training tables.
(Chest, back, shoulders, abs)
Bench press
(warm-up, then the planned series)
(Legs and arms)
(Back, chest, shoulders, abs)
expected series)
(Arm And legs)
* Only with moderate weight, as a cooling set.
** Continue until complete congestion.