The following indications are for informational purposes EXCLUSIVELY and are not intended to replace the opinion of professionals such as a doctor, nutritionist or dietician, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of PERSONALIZED food therapies.
Muscle definition diet
The muscle definition diet is a useful food strategy for the reduction of subcutaneous fat, without having a negative impact on muscle hypertrophy; the muscle definition diet is therefore the only means to promote cutting in body-building WITHOUT the risk of overly promoting the catabolism of muscle proteins.
On the other hand, that to increase muscle definition is NOT a STANDARDIZED diet, as some bodybuilders react satisfactorily to the program while others absolutely do not. It is therefore logical to assume that the "CONSTITUTION component" (understood as the whole forms, muscles, skeleton and metabolism) plays a decisive role increasing the definition, in the case of "thin", or opposing, in the case of the "bigger ones".
Classification of the somatotype: the ectomorph
In 1940 such a Sheldon he was able to classify the general population into 3 somatotypes with different anthropometric and behavioral characteristics, leaving aside the simplest subdivision based on the skeleton (constitution and morphological type). Regarding the relationship between body shapes (muscle insertions, shapes of the same muscles and proportions of the bone segments) and response to the composition of the diet (increase in fat-free mass or reduction in fat mass) ... I can say that there is a certain statistical correlation.
Below we will present a case of a diet to increase the muscle definition suitable for a somatotype endomorph, that is the subject characterized by: narrow shoulders and wide hips, low density body (high fat mass - tendency to accumulate fat), normal morphological type, muscles difficult to evaluate and, usually, moderately hypertrophic, viscerotonic (to deepen, read the article: The somatotype).
NB .: What will be explained below is nothing more than the fruit of PERSONAL experience and does not refer in any way to research or experimental work; moreover, I remember that while highlighting some correlations between somatotype and response to the dietary regimen, the key essential to achieve any goal lies in the SPECIFICITY "(subjectivity) of" nutrition and in that of "training; therefore, I urge readers who identify with the example NOT to take too literally the weights or nutritional breakdowns of the following example.
Principles of the diet for definition for endomorphs
Generally, the bodybuilder endomorph manifests considerable difficulties in reducing adipose mass but, on the other hand, with the same training stimulus he does not struggle as much as a ectomorph in achieving good levels of muscle mass (with the due exceptions).
In my opinion, the major obstacle in the path of definition of the endomorph is represented by the insulin action which determines an indiscriminate anabolism and more often in favor of the adipose one; generally, through the low calorie diet, this somatotype tends to lose weight slowly, without excessively compromising muscle hypertrophy, even if it does not always reach cutting levels such as to be able to highlight what has been built up in the winter phase. Enemy number 1 is therefore the insulin peak and peripheral sensitivity to this hormone.
In my opinion, looking for the muscular definition for the endomorph, it is necessary to establish some key principles to follow in the long training and physical activity path:
- First of all, I suggest to ALWAYS undertake an aerobic physical activity protocol, in order to: increase energy expenditure, improve the metabolism of nutrients taken with the diet, improve insulin action and sensitivity. predominant activity and its application should NOT negatively affect appetite, muscle recovery and the catabolism of protein tissues
- The energy intake MUST always be lower than that needed to maintain weight, and cover 70-90% of TOTAL calories (including those for training)
- The nutritional subdivision of the energetic macronutrients must take into account NOT to exceed 25% in lipids and guarantee a sufficient protein quantity to maintain skeletal muscle hypertrophy
- Food choices must be oriented on "insulin calm" by preferring foods with a low glycemic index or by associating them with each other to obtain a gradual absorption of glucose
- The distribution of meals must be divided into at least 5-6 meals a day, SHOULD take into account the training and not assign energy quantities such as to raise the insulin for excessively long times.
Useful supplements in the diet for the definition of endomorphs
The supplements used in the diet for the definition of endomorphs are many, but not all of them are actually useful; personally in the case of this somatotype I do not think they are necessary, even if for some subjects the use of thermogenics seems to be useful (at least for the placebo effect).
Mass diet for endomorphs: example
- Cosmetic representative, she trains 3 times a week in the gym and 2 times in light running for 40 ". She has one snack before and one after training.
Example diet for muscle definition for endomorphs - DAY 1
Example diet for muscle definition for endomorphs - DAY 2
Example diet for muscle definition for endomorphs - DAY 3
Example diet for muscle definition for endomorphs - DAY 4
Example diet for muscle definition for endomorphs - DAY 5
Example diet for muscle definition for endomorphs - DAY 6
Example diet for muscle definition for endomorphs - DAY 7