What is wild garlic?
Wild garlic is a vegetable belonging to the Liliaceae * family and to the Genus Allium (Species Allium ursinum).
Also known as wild garlic, broad-leaved garlic, wild garlic and ramsons, it is distinguished by its wide, wide, velvety leaves, which give off a pungent garlic odor.
The name "bear" is due to the fact that bears, but also wild boars, are greedy for its underground bulbs and eat it in large quantities.
Wild garlic is a bulbous herbaceous plant native to the Eurasian continent. Due to its multiple pharmacological and culinary uses, it is commonly harvested in the wild (especially in Europe). However, due to its remarkable resemblance to poisonous plants such as lily of the valley and colchico d "autumn (called false saffron), there are cases of poisoning associated with harvesting errors.