Agar agar is a natural, indigestible polysaccharide derived from various red algae belonging to the Gelidiacee family, currently considered harmless and non-toxic.
It mainly has a thickening and stabilizing function, and is used both by the food industry - especially for the preparation of puddings, jellies, jams, candies, creams, canned meats, etc. - and by the pharmaceutical industry.
Agar agar is also used in phytotherapy, as a calming, anti-inflammatory and protective of the gastric and intestinal mucosa, thanks to the thin layer it creates on these walls. It is a compound that, in addition to being indigestible, has the ability to retain large quantities of water: these two characteristics make it capable of giving a great sensation of gastric fullness; for this reason it is often used in dietary foods.
At the moment, negative side effects are not known at the concentrations normally used, while at higher doses (> 5 g), it can cause laxative effects by increasing the fecal mass (especially in children), flatulence and swelling due to the fermentation of the compound by the intestinal microflora.