Benefits of physical activity for the elderly
A "personal observation ...
In this article, I will try to list a whole range of benefits that an elderly person can obtain by practicing regular physical activity. You have probably known for some time that moving is good for the spirit and the body, but then why not do it ?!
Talk to your doctor, try to convince some peers and get started. Walk, cycle, go to a fitness center or do any other physical activity but get started.
Physical activity is medicine, put it in your head and always keep it in mind.
Leaving the traditional canons, physical activity is not synonymous with fatigue, sacrifice, physical activity is synonymous with health and well-being.
And the most important result will not be represented by the kg lost, but by the centimeters gained. You got it right, it's not about losing centimeters but about gaining them, in the most important point, for you and for us, in your smile.
First question, why?
Some benefits of exercise:
dilation of the vessels of the heart, which allows to improve cardiac circulation;
development of the heart's performance: the muscles make better use of the oxygen carried by the blood and, for a given effort, the flow is less and the heart becomes less tired;
improvement of strength, muscle endurance and motor coordination.
improved circulation, decreased blood pressure, bone strengthening,
improvement of physical and psychological balance which allows to remedy the accelerated rhythm and stresses of modern life.
Physical activity helps maintain or achieve ideal weight, promoting weight loss. It improves self-esteem and can be a strong means of socializing.
Physical activity is finally an independent factor for human health: it means that physical activity alone is able to reduce the risk of mortality from any disease. Thus, for example, a smoker who practices physical activity is much less likely to die than a non-physically active smoker.
Second question, what should we do?
Dedicate at least half an hour or one hour three times a week to methodical training, preferring cross-country sports that require dynamic effort: running, cycling, running, mountaineering, rowing, cross-country skiing, swimming. A nice walk three may suffice. times a week.
Spending the more physically active weekends the more sedentary your life is.
In any case, you must ALWAYS AND IN ANY CASE consult your doctor before embarking on any physical activity program.
Exercise and hypertension
It has long been shown that the degree of fitness is inversely proportional to blood pressure levels.
The efficacy of regular physical activity on blood pressure reduction in patients with mild / moderate hypertension has been the subject of numerous studies.
These studies have shown that regular exercise (cycling, swimming, jogging, walking or combinations thereof) can significantly reduce resting pressure levels.
For "exercise" to be effective it must be of mild or moderate intensity (<70% of VO2max).
It has been shown that mild exercise lasting 30-60 minutes is the most effective method against hypertension.
As regards the frequency of training, it is recommended to perform at least 3 sessions per week. Finally, to get further benefits from the practice of physical activity try to follow these tips:
Exercise and metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is characterized by the presence in the same individual of several diseases or conditions that together represent a serious cardiovascular risk factor. If at least 3 of these conditions are present, it is possible to speak of metabolic syndrome:
diabetes even in its initial forms
Obesity, particularly when the waistline is greater than 102 cm in men and 88 cm in women
High blood pressure
an excessive level of fat in the blood (triglycerides and cholesterol)
some bleeding disorders
This condition is reversible with diet and physical exercise. A regular training program is in fact able to act on each of the individual risk factors, reducing significantly.
Physical activity in gyms: some precautions
Below I will list a whole series of precautions to keep in mind if you decide to exercise in a gym:
Breathing: it is essential to exhale during the active phase of the movement and inhale during the passive phase of the movement. Ask your instructor to teach you proper breathing mechanics during your workout.
If you have cardiovascular problems, try to avoid anaerobic exercises (especially for the arms) and to use very heavy loads, because this type of exercise causes an increase in chest and blood pressure. The correct breathing technique can be useful to reduce the risks of this type of training.
If you have back problems, avoid running and / or jumping on hard ground.
Pay attention to the hyperextension of the neck and lateral flexions; these exercises, if carried out in a very slow and controlled manner, can bring great benefits; on the contrary, sudden movements in this area can cause serious damage to the cervical joints.
During abdominal toning exercises, maintain the correct position of the cervical tract (in line with the torso) with the help of the hands.
Attention to postural education: learn to lift weights with a straight torso and bent knees, not with straight legs and bent back
Beware of exasperated torsion of the torso, especially with overloads due to the risk of vertebral fractures particularly likely in osteoporotic subjects and postmenopausal women.
Beware of the problems caused by carpal tunnel syndrome, try to avoid hyperflexion or hyperextension of the wrists, especially under load.
Avoid all those exercises that can cause joint friction such as the passage of the upper limbs into abduction-external rotation (slow behind or lat machine behind)
Also pay attention to hyperflexion of the knee under load (leg extension)
Always perform stretching exercises at the end of the session. Try asking your trainer to teach you some relaxation techniques including abdominal breathing.