But the benefits do not end there and range from the reduction of anxiety to clearer thinking, to the increased self-esteem derived from positive changes in physical fitness that affect social life and much more.
Exercising, therefore, can really be a great way to solve mental health problems, as long as you find the right kind of exercise and environment.
Here are the most suitable disciplines to choose from.
Walking can also be the best choice if you have physical problems or are prone to panic attacks.
and light muscle training, yoga is the right choice. The important thing, however, is to find the type of yoga that best suits your inclinations.This discipline in general is very relaxing and helps you get in touch with yourself, concentrating and connecting with your breath and consequently your body. The way it uses breathing determines the mental health benefits of yoga. Taking long, deep breaths helps to stem any destructive thoughts and to fool the nervous system into its resting mode, eliminating the anxious response or sense of panic typical of rapid, shallow breathing. In addition, yoga helps to see things with greater detachment and from new angles and to improve problem-solving skills.
you can increase the intensity by switching to a HIIT workout which, by involving more mental effort, can also give you more significant results., due to an increase in cortisol and adrenaline, and the more you practice it the more the body learns to cope with it. This skill, once acquired, becomes very useful for dealing with stress in everyday life.
Moreover, exercising hard is a great way to switch off the brain and not think about problems but focus on something positive at least for a few minutes. Doing so ultimately triggers endorphin, the hormone of happiness. To increase the feeling of well-being, there are natural methods that increase endorphin.
Taking a mental break can be one of the best rewards to give yourself after a hard day.
adults, especially when it involves the use of the bar, which not only relieves stress and makes you focus on the present, but also improves posture, a detail that makes the difference when it comes to self-esteem.
Dance also allows you to better express your personality, to experience a sense of freedom and liberation and to feel confident, fulfilled and proud of yourself.
To get better, you can also use the 7 coping techniques for difficult times.
Routine is vital, as focusing on exercise can damage mental health rather than nurturing it. While sport can really be a form of therapy, in fact, in some cases it can actually lead to addiction. This is why it is essential to maintain the balance.
Ten minutes a day or half an hour three times a week is a great start for beginners because this light rhythm allows the body and mind to synchronize and understand which and how much training to do over time, also depending on the different daily commitments.
Practicing light physical activity after dinner can help counteract evening anxiety.
How to rest properly could be one of the 8 questions to ask your personal trainer.