with a high concentration of myelinated nerve fibers.
Also known as white matter, white matter is one of the two main tissue components of the central nervous system; the other important tissue component, opposed in a certain sense to the white matter, is the gray matter (or gray matter): the latter, instead of a "high concentration of myelinated axons, contains a conspicuous quantity of bodies of neurons.
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Also containing oligodendrocytes, astrocytes and capillaries, the white matter is found inside the brain and cerebellum, on the structures of the diencephalus, thalamus, epithalamus and subthalamus, and on the spinal cord.
The white matter constitutes the network of nerve fibers that serves to allow the exchange of information and communication between different areas of gray matter.
Also known as white matter, white matter is one of the two main tissue components of the central nervous system; the other important tissue component, opposed in a certain sense to the white matter, is the gray matter (or gray matter): the latter, instead of a "high concentration of myelinated axons, contains a conspicuous quantity of bodies of neurons.