It goes without saying that, in the absence of any theory on the principle or mechanism of operation, any dietary supplement would have no future; here whoever invents, tests and sells food supplements - especially of the new generation - is motivated by the will that they must somehow work.
in the diet (greed), producing a food supplement that you eat or drink, perhaps sweet (for example a kind of milkshake), with the promise that it will not require too much effort in the gym, success is almost assured and only obstacles will competitor - other companies with the same objectives, products and targets. and above all to re-enter the budget for a first investment. Examples of successful proposals, not too dated, concerned: raw green coffee extract, Goji berry extract, fermented red rice extract, red vine extract, etc. The winning characteristics of these products were the interest of the scientific world in this regard (consequently, the numerous studies that were made about it), the cheapness of the raw materials and the high impact on consumers' needs. Projects were therefore established in a very short time term, to speed up the sale and ride the trend., toxicity, possible LD50, drug interactions, purity etc., the question is more complicated. This is because food supplements, in some ways, do not have to comply with the identical protocol designed for drugs. This is not a legislative flaw; rather, it helps to contain trade costs and simplify the bureaucratic procedure. Obviously, this is possible especially in virtue of the fact that the supplements are based on nutrients and / or nutritional factors, nothing that cannot already be found inside the food. Of course, as experience teaches, "natural" is not necessarily synonymous with "harmless" or "beneficial".
What really matters is that new supplements, or those that have been negatively reported by consumers, are tested comprehensively enough. The tests that will be developed should conquer several stages, from in vitro experiments to those on guinea pigs, and finally on humans. Exceptions are products that already have various studies behind them, and even in this case the authorities will assess the need or less than further experiments.
All this concerns above all the essential characteristics of the supplements, that is to say how much it directly correlates to the dangerousness or safety of consumption. Effectiveness, on the other hand, is an aspect that is treated with less rigor. The products are almost always tested by the companies that market them; therefore, there remains the doubt of a conflict of interest. Alternatively, the experiments are delegated to external agencies, which however they work on commission, and even in this case the suspicion remains that there may be external influences.
Let's say that to evaluate the effectiveness of a food supplement it would be a good idea to look for experimental studies in this regard, preferably conducted by authoritative sources, which have used large samples but, in any case, in any case, deepen their working methods. "reliability of a test, the gold-standard is certainly the double-blind study - in which, until the results are read, neither the operators nor the sample are aware of who took the placebo or who took the active ingredient . If the bibliography is large, it would be advisable to restrict the search to meta-analyzes and systematic reviews. Note: A good result, whether positive or negative, is defined as any repeatable value on an identical study protocol.
cannot clearly maintain that "it increases muscle mass", just as on the label of a thermogenic it is not possible to write that "it makes you lose weight"; on the other hand, no one forbids to argue that these are supplements designed for stimulation hypertrophy and for weight loss. In the marketing of supplements, rhetoric and semantics are not always easy to combine. Bravo are those who manage to convey certain concepts without writing them down.
The branding of food supplements is also part of marketing, i.e. the choice of a target target and the range / price range in which to position it. To do this, you need to balance the total costs (with a safety margin) and the forecast of the sales volume; in compliance with these two parameters, a desirable profit margin will then be established for "objectives", appropriately organized on a temporal basis.
Com "it is obvious, it is not only the cost of raw materials that defines the price of the supplement. Note: almost all of the food supplement industries buy raw materials from specific producers, they do not synthesize them independently. On the market there are supplements of the same quality but with different prices, or even better products but cheaper than others and vice versa. Successful companies try to cover all market segments by absorbing other competitors but keeping their brand.