DAFLON ® is a flavonoid-based drug. More precisely, it is the purified and micronized flavonoid fraction, consisting of diosmin for 90% and hesperidin for the remaining 10%.
Indications DAFLON ® Flavonoids
DAFLON ® is indicated as adjuvant therapy in the treatment of varicose veins and phlebitic complications of hemorrhoids, and those related to states of capillary fragility.
Mechanism of action DAFLON ® Flavonoids
The flavonoids contained in DAFLON ® and in particular diosmin, once taken orally, are metabolized by the intestinal flora into active ingredients capable of being absorbed by the enteric mucosa, then distributed through the circulatory stream.
The capillar-protective and vasotonic action seems to take place through the activation of numerous biochemical and molecular pathways, capable of stabilizing the venous vascular walls and also improving the hemodynamic profile.
Although the scientific literature is still engaged in the characterization of the functionality of these flavonoids, a "vasotonic action, probably mediated by the" increase of the sympathetic effect on the venous component, has been described, an anti-waterproofing action, exerted through the inhibition of prostaglandins and thromboxane A2 and pro-inflammatory mechanisms - such as activation of neutrophils and expression of adhesion molecules - and an "anti-edematous action, probably due to the improvement of the draining function of the lymphatic network.
After a long half-life, around 12 hours, the flavonoid metabolites contained in DAFLON ® are mainly excreted in the faeces.
Studies carried out and clinical efficacy
Phlebology. 2010 Oct; 25 Suppl 1: 35-41.
Pharmacological treatment in patients with C4, C5 and C6 venous disease.
Gohel MS, Davies AH.
A critical re-reading of the literature has shown how, in addition to surgery, the therapeutic action of the flavonoids contained in DAFLON can guarantee a reduction in the risk of venous ulcers, edema and associated symptoms, in patients suffering from grade venous disease. C4-C6.
Vasc Surg. 2001 Nov-Dec; 35: 443-7.
Clinical and hemodynamic outcomes in patients with chronic venous insufficiency after oral micronized flavonoid therapy.
Ting AC, Cheng SW, Wu LL, Cheung GC.
Treatment with DAFLON, in patients with chronic venous insufficiency, allowed an improvement in symptoms and clinical aspects in a few months of treatment. More precisely, in addition to a significant reduction in pain and discomfort in the lower limbs, a reduction in calf circumference and a reduction in the pain scale were observed. The use of DAFLON seems particularly indicated in the treatment of the symptoms of venous insufficiency, before the appearance of varicose veins.
J Vasc Res. 1999; 36 Suppl 1: 24-36.
Neutrophil activation and mediators of inflammation in chronic venous insufficiency.
Smith PD.
The venous hypertension and venous stagnation observed in patients with chronic venous insufficiency determine an "entrapment" of blood leukocytes with consequent activation. The activation of the inflammatory process, also characterized by the expression on the vascular endothelium of molecules of adhesion, does nothing but worsen the symptoms, further chronicizing them and facilitating the onset of venous ulcers. The efficacy of DAFLON in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency does not seem to be associated exclusively with the reduction of symptoms, but also with an important action anti-inflammatory, which can be monitored by reducing the concentrations of inflammatory markers.
Method of use and dosage
DAFLON ® coated tablets of 500 mg of flavonoids (450 mg of diosmin and 50 mg of hesperidin): the recommended dosage is 2 coated tablets per day, possibly taken with a glass of water during meals.
In the haemorrhoidal crisis, the daily dose can be increased up to 6 tablets in the first four days and 4 tablets in the following 3 days.
The correct setting of the therapeutic procedure should in any case be carried out by the doctor, also based on the patient's health conditions and the severity of his pathology.
Warnings DAFLON ® Flavonoids
DAFLON ® appears to be well tolerated; it is therefore devoid of particular warnings.
The absence in the literature of clinical trials evaluating the absence of side effects on the health of the fetus and newborn, following the intake of DAFLON ® during pregnancy, does not allow to define the safety profile of the drug. Therefore, it would be advisable avoid taking DAFLON ® both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. This precaution seems to be supported also by some experimental evidences, which show a possible mutagenic action of bioflavonoids on some genes involved in the control of cell proliferation
There are currently no reported interactions capable of significantly altering the pharmacokinetic profile of DAFLON ®
Contraindications DAFLON ® Flavonoids
DAFLON ® is contraindicated in case of pregnancy and lactation, and in case of hypersensitivity to one of its active ingredients.
Undesirable Effects - Side Effects
Data from clinical trials and post-marketing monitoring lean towards the good tolerability of DAFLON ®
The only adverse reactions, of little clinical relevance, include gastrointestinal disorders and autonomic disturbances such as dry mouth, sweating, excitability or modest depression.
DAFLON ® is a non-prescription drug.
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