Scientific name
Plantago ovata, syn. Plantago ispaghula
IspagulaParts Used
Drug consisting of ripe seeds
Chemical constituents
- Polysaccharides (arabinoxylans);
- Iridoid glucosides;
- Proteins
Ispagula in Herbalist: Property of Ispagula
The mucilages absorb water at the level of the gastrointestinal tract, swelling, therefore they are indicated - together with generous quantities of water - to increase intestinal peristalsis in cases of constipation, irritable bowel, hemorrhoids, constipation in pregnancy, diverticulosis of the colon.It is also possible to use ispagula to reduce any diarrheal states (in which case it must be taken with a little water).
Ispagula - Side Effects
Following the use of preparations based on Ispagula, allergic reactions may appear.
Avoid taking in case of intestinal obstruction and sub-occlusion or hypersensitivity to one or more components.
Pharmacological interactions
- possible reduction in the effectiveness of some drugs, if taken 30-60 minutes before or after: anticoagulants, antidiabetic agents, lithium, vitamins and minerals;
- insulin: it is possible an adjustment of the insulin therapy in relation to the reduction of the absorption of carbohydrates.