. These microscopic enemies of the teeth, attracted by decayed food residues imprisoned between the dental elements, attack the enamel and, having reached the dentin, continue their journey towards the dental pulp undeterred. Roughly, this is how bacteria give rise to most dental infections, from the simplest cavities to the most complex pulpits.
Dental infections are numerous and varied, and each of them is distinguished by the triggering cause and symptoms with which it occurs (for more information see the introductory article on dental infections). CAUSES OF INFECTION SYMPTOMS OF INFECTION AVAILABLE TREATMENTS
or pyorrhea Thermal insults derived from dental procedures (e.g. laser whitening with CO2 lamps) Bruxism Dental malocclusion Poor / incorrect oral hygiene
(bacteria, white blood cells, cellular debris and plasma) in the tissues surrounding a tooth. The dental abscess tends to form, in particular, at the level of the gum, jawbone or dental pulp. CAUSES AND RISK FACTORS OF INFECTION SYMPTOMS OF INFECTION AVAILABLE TREATMENTS or gaseous. A typical complication of pulp necrosis, the dental cyst always requires a rather invasive dental intervention.
CAUSES OF INFECTION SYMPTOMS OF INFECTION AVAILABLE TREATMENTS Complication of pyorrhea Penetration of a foreign body into the gum Failure of a dental filling or any other tooth. The condition tends to self-resolve within a few days or a few weeks after the onset of symptoms. CAUSES OF INFECTION SYMPTOMS OF INFECTION AVAILABLE TREATMENTS The alveolitis tends to regress by itself, without necessarily intervening with a specific cure. No therapy can effectively reverse the infection in a short time. In any case, there are some tricks, useful for buffering or masking - albeit partially - the pain: severe such as pyorrhea.
CAUSES OF INFECTION SYMPTOMS OF INFECTION AVAILABLE TREATMENTS Treatment depends on the underlying cause. Generally, gingivitis resolves after a thorough scaling. However, when gingivitis hides tooth infections, it is necessary to intervene more aggressively by removing the responsible pathogen (eg obturation, devitalization, apicoectomy, etc.). , the tooth support apparatus consisting of gingiva, elastic connecting fibers and mandibular / maxillary bone. It is a serious dental infection which, slowly destroying soft tissues and supporting bones, promotes the loss of permanent teeth. CAUSES OF INFECTION SYMPTOMS OF INFECTION AVAILABLE TREATMENTS
genetic-diseases stomach-health hydration
Dental infections are numerous and varied, and each of them is distinguished by the triggering cause and symptoms with which it occurs (for more information see the introductory article on dental infections).
Dental Infections Table
To simplify the analysis and offer an immediate understanding of the topic, the table shows all the main dental infections. We invite the reader to dwell on the causes and symptoms to anticipate the infections, possibly stemming them in the bud. the therapies currently available to stave off the infectious outbreak.
. The infection, evolving in a negative sense, can progressively destroy the hard tissues of the tooth, up to spoil the pulp.
- Plaque build-up around the tooth
- Reduction of saliva secretion (natural self-cleaning substance)
- Crooked teeth and difficulty in cleaning the teeth thoroughly
- Poor oral hygiene
- Diet rich in sugary foods
- Alteration of the natural dental color (teeth appear yellowed and opaque)
- Obvious presence of a dark furrow (rich in food residues in the putrefactive phase)
- Halitosis
- toothache
- Sensitivity to heat, cold, sweet and sour
- Possible degeneration into pulpitis, abscess and root destruction
- Obturation (treatment of choice to combat this type of dental infection)
- Devitalization (in case of progression of the pulp infection)
- Tooth extraction (extremely rare in the presence of mild to moderate caries)
- Asymptomatic infection (first stage)
- Sharp, piercing, throbbing toothache
- Toothache difficult to locate precisely
- Accentuation of pain in the teeth when chewing
- Increased dentinal sensitivity
- Tooth devitalization (elective treatment to fight infection)
- Administering analgesics to mask pain
- Tooth extraction (extreme cases)
- Complicated caries (causing pus-rich dental infections)
- Severe dental injuries
- Bad interventions on the teeth
- Bad oral hygiene
- Diabetes
- Gastroesophageal reflux diseases
- Dry mouth
- Smoking and alcoholism
- Long-term corticosteroid therapy
- Fierce and relentless toothache
- Swollen gums
- Halitosis
- Dentin hypersensitivity
- Fever
- Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck
- Specific antibiotic treatment
- Administering anti-inflammatory / pain relieving drugs (NSAIDs) to control pain
- Pus drainage
- Pulpitis
- Complicated caries
- Dental granuloma
- Tooth abscess
- Dental inclusion
- Failed devitalization
- Poor dental extraction
- Asymptomatic (early stage)
- Toothache
- Swelling of a mandibular / maxillary bone section
- Swollen gums
- Swelling of the lip
- Halitosis
- Dental mobility
- Surgical removal of dental infection
- Dental cyst drainage
- Apicoectomy
- Tooth removal
- Early stage: Granuloma tends to be asymptomatic
- Advanced stage (months / years after the formation of the granuloma): the infection can cause toothache, dental torment and swollen gums
- Complications: cysts and fistulas
- Devitalization (treatment of choice for the treatment of infection)
- Apicoectomy (late stage granuloma)
- Tooth extraction (extreme case)
- Bad extraction of a wisdom tooth
- Poor extraction of molars, incisors or canines
- Extraction of teeth severely damaged by infections
- Extraction of impacted teeth (risk factor)
- smoking (risk factor)
- Toothache very intense, such as to resist a common analgesic treatment with NSAIDs. The pain begins 3-4 days after a tooth is extracted
- High fever
- Gingivitis
- Profuse infection
- Fetid odor in the gum area affected by the alveolitis
- Bad breath
- Washes with medicated chlorhexidine-based mouthwashes
- Placement of a sterile gauze soaked in analgesic substances in the alveolus
- Washes with physiological solution
- Topical application of lidocaine-based creams (local anesthetic)
- Accumulation of plaque on the surface of the teeth and gums
- Dental cleaning with a hard bristle brush
- Poor oral hygiene
- Long-term therapy with corticosteroids and antidepressants
- Vitamin deficiency
- Genetic predisposition
- Piorrea
- Caries
- Pulpits
- Dental granuloma
- Cyst in the tooth
- Irritation and inflammation of the gums
- Gums that bleed
- Halitosis
- Tooth loss (in the presence of gingivitis associated with pyorrhea)
- Alteration in color, shape and texture of the gums
- Accumulation of plaque and tartar
- Gingivitis
- Untreated caries
- Formation of bacterial pockets in the periodontal pockets
- Neglected dental hygiene
- Asymptomatic (early stage)
- Halitosis
- Change in taste in the mouth
- Swollen gums
- Appearance of interdental spaces
- Gingival bleeding
- Progressive destruction of bones and gums
- Gum recessions
- Sensitive teeth
- Loss of teeth
- Removal of tartar and plaque from the teeth and under the gums (innovative ultrasound treatment)
- Removal of tartar hidden under the gum, near the periodontal pockets (root planing)
- Other more or less invasive surgical techniques (eg flap surgery, soft tissue grafts, bone grafting, tissue regeneration)
- Administering antibiotics to control tooth infections
Other articles on "Tooth Infections Classification, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments"
- Infections to the tooth
- Tooth infection: complications and prevention