For further information: The Teeth: Notes on Anatomy final consists of 32 teeth. However, for a great many people this number is bound to vary over a lifetime.
In fact, it is estimated that about 90% of the world population is affected, sooner or later, by dental caries.
For further information: Dental Caries: What is it? Affected Teeth, Caries Course: Causes and Risk Factors. Among these, nutrition also plays an important role.To learn more: Caries and Nutrition, it has been shown to be more effective than simple food control.
To learn more: Caries and Oral Hygiene, as well as tooth decay, can cause quite serious dental diseases.
In this article we will try to illustrate the causes of the deposit, the effects and the strategies to prevent it.
For further information: Tartar: What it is and How to Prevent It, is a condition characterized by the emission of unpleasant odors through the respiratory act.
Causes and remedies are listed in this article devoted to bad breath.
To learn more: Halitosis is an inflammatory process that affects the gums. In many cases this inflammation represents the onset form of periodontal disease, also known as periodontitis, pyorrhea, periodontosis or periodontal disease.This pathology, as the name suggests, affects the periodontium, that is, the set of structures surrounding the tooth.
For further information: Gingivitis: What it is and How to cure it For further information: Bleeding Gums For further information: Gingival pockets bacterial and inflammatory pathogenesis. Also known as pyorrhea, it is a rather subtle pathology that - if not treated - leads to the destruction of tissues that ensure support and stability to the teeth.
Often, the first symptom perceived by the patient consists in the "increased mobility of their teeth, which in the absence of adequate treatments progresses to the fall of the same.
For further information: Periodontitis For further information: Piorrea For further information: White teeth caused by too much sweat, poor intake of liquids or excessive ingestion of alcohol or salty foods. For further information: Bocca Secca