Presumably, the anabolic window lasts 30 minutes. To maximize the results of your strength session, you should consume proteins and carbohydrates within this time frame, which is ideal for assimilating nutrients.
on the skeletal muscle.Anabolism occurs when small molecules are transformed into larger, more complex molecules. These molecules are formed in new cells and tissues, including muscles. It is the opposite of catabolism. After strength training, the body is in an anabolic state. This involves a series of cellular processes supported by the intake of proteins and carbohydrates, which facilitate muscle repair and growth.
According to several studies, the anabolic response is obtained in a limited time of only 30 minutes. Consuming foods rich in protein and carbohydrates immediately is essential for:
- increase protein synthesis
- reduce the breakdown of muscle proteins
- replenishment of muscle glycogen
Post-workout nutrition can affect these processes. The intake of proteins limits the breakdown of proteins and supports their synthesis. The intake of carbohydrates also inhibits the breakdown of proteins and helps the resynthesis of glycogen, which is responsible for providing energy to the muscles. changes in muscle size depend on myofibrillar proteins.To increase muscle mass, MPB suppression should target these proteins exclusively.
Also, aside from nutrition, there are many factors that affect recovery and growth, including age, hormones, and exercise routine.
showed that protein intake before and after training produces similar muscle adaptations. This suggests that pre-workout protein may be sufficient and immediate post-workout intake does not improve results. A second study from 2007 showed comparable results. Participants consumed whey just before exercise or 1 hour. after. Both groups experienced similar changes in muscle protein synthesis.
A 2010 study looked at the post-workout anabolic response that occurs after protein intake. Researchers found that the response is primarily due to protein synthesis rather than protein breakdown. This suggests eating immediately to reduce breakdown. muscle may not be necessary.
Training while fasting. In this case, fasting exercise significantly increases post-workout muscle breakdown. So, if you don't get nutrients before your workout, it's important to eat immediately afterwards.
Delaying post-workout carbohydrate intake by 2 hours has no effect on muscle glycogen resynthesis. Glycogen levels remain posted 8 and 24 hours later, showing that subsequent carbohydrate intake may still be beneficial.
, rehydrate the body, rebalance the reserves of mineral salts, fibers, vitamins and antioxidants.
The right time
- Immediate post-workout nutrition (in the following 30 minutes) would increase the ability to restore glycogen stores, thus interrupting muscle catabolism.
- Feeding one or two hours after the end of the workout, on the other hand, takes advantage of the increase in the basal metabolic rate.
The choice of one or the other method depends on the objective pursued; the first case mainly affects bodybuilders and athletes who practice more than 4-5 workouts per week. The second, mainly bodybuilders in the cutting phase (definition), those who practice fitness for slimming purposes.