However, it is often very complicated to be able to train them "properly", above all due to the limited "average" anatomical and functional knowledge; after all, that's what personal trainers are for.
However, not everyone chooses to rely on this professional figure and many prefer the "do-it-yourself" - with all the risks and complications of the case.
In this article we will try to convey the basic information for a correct management of the training of the thighs and buttocks; therefore, let's start from the concept of the pelvic girdle.
, joints and muscles, which allows reciprocal mobility between the pelvis and the root of the lower limbs, but also between the pelvis and the vertebral column.
However, it is important to underline that, unlike the shoulder girdle, the pelvic girdle is characterized by "evident stability and poorer mobility - with the advantages and disadvantages of the case. The muscles directly affected by training in the gym are the extensors," the flexors, abductors, adductors of the coxo-femoral joint and the extensors and flexors of the knee joint.
Among the muscle groups that are part of the coxo-femoral joint we have: ileus psoas, buttocks (large, small, medium), tensor fascia lata, adductor group.
On the "knee joint, on the other hand, work: quadriceps femoris, biceps femoris, semimembranous and semitendinosus.
Let's go into more detail.