fatty acids are included: alpha linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These nutrients belong to the group of so-called essential fatty acids, as the body is unable to produce them and it is therefore necessary to introduce them with the diet. To tell the truth, EPA and DHA can be obtained from "ALA, which the body" must necessarily take with the diet, however, certain circumstances (old age, drug therapies, etc.) affect the effectiveness of this conversion metabolism, favoring the deficiency of EPA and DHA.
This means that the diet should be particularly rich in omega 3 (in particular EPA and DHA) especially in the case of:
Studies that have attempted to demonstrate the correlation between omega three and anxiety or psychosis are less relevant or incomplete.
Since atherosclerotic plaques frequently affect the carotids, obstructing them and compromising the oxygenation of the brain, a diet rich in omega 3 can be considered preventive and beneficial.
Furthermore, the fluidifying capacity hinders the formation of emboli and thrombi that can reach the cerebral vessels giving rise to the stroke.
The vasodilatory capacity of these essential fats can only be beneficial for the circulation of the brain, especially in old age.
These are real effects but they have an impact that is difficult to prove. Scientific insights have failed to correlate omega three intake with the prevention of cerebral ischemic events.
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For these reasons, everyone should respect a diet sufficiently rich in alpha linolenic acid, preferably also characterized by the additional presence of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic.
from different points of view. In this sense, the main functions are:
- They constitute a very important structural element
- Promote circulation thanks to:
- Vasodilatory capacity
- Fluidification of the blood
- Anti-atherogenic potential
- They prevent some cognitive disorders
- They could have a protective effect on the degeneration typical of old age
- They have a positive effect on mood in case of depression.
This means that the diet should be particularly rich in omega 3 (in particular EPA and DHA) especially in the case of:
- Pregnancy, during which nourishment is transmitted from the mother to the fetus.
- Breastfeeding, during which nourishment is transmitted from mother to infant (up to weaning). In case you are using formula milk, it is advisable to pay close attention to the formulation of the product.
- Up to 18 months of age, although some studies underline that this remarkable importance of a diet rich in DHA persists until the 12th year of age.
Studies that have attempted to demonstrate the correlation between omega three and anxiety or psychosis are less relevant or incomplete.
and improvement of mild cognitive deficits.
On the contrary, the link between omega three intake, prevention and improvement of Alzheimer's disease or senile dementia has not yet been consolidated.
Since atherosclerotic plaques frequently affect the carotids, obstructing them and compromising the oxygenation of the brain, a diet rich in omega 3 can be considered preventive and beneficial.
Furthermore, the fluidifying capacity hinders the formation of emboli and thrombi that can reach the cerebral vessels giving rise to the stroke.
The vasodilatory capacity of these essential fats can only be beneficial for the circulation of the brain, especially in old age.
These are real effects but they have an impact that is difficult to prove. Scientific insights have failed to correlate omega three intake with the prevention of cerebral ischemic events.
nutritional content of omega 3 for an adult corresponds to approximately 0.5-2.0% of total calories, of which at least 250 mg / day should consist of EPA and DHA.
It increases in case of:
- Gestation: + 100 or 200 mg of DHA
- Breastfeeding: + 100 or 200 mg of DHA
- From 0 to 24 months of age: + 100 mg of DHA
- Probably, in old age.
Especially in these cases, it is necessary that the nutritional intake of omega three is more than adequate.