Tired of the usual noodles? We bring a breath of creativity to the kitchen: we try to dare even on important occasions, bringing innovative dishes to the table. For the holidays, this year I propose crepe tagliatelle with zucchini and speck sauce.
Taken from https://www.my-personaltrainer.it/Tv/Ricette/Primi_piatti/tagliatelle-crespelle-bottiglia.html
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Identity Card of the Recipe
- 140 KCal Calories per serving
For the crepes
- 125 g of white flour of type 00
- 120 g (2 medium) of eggs
- 300 ml of milk
- 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
- 1 pinch of salt
For the sauce
- 400 g of zucchini
- 100 g of speck
- 50 ml of milk
- 30 g of pecorino
- 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
- Q.b of salt
- Q.s. of pepper
Materials Needed
- Pan with a diameter of 28 cm
- Plastic bottle
- Chopping board
- Knife
- Grater
- Funnel
Taken from https://www.my-personaltrainer.it/Tv/Ricette/Primi_piatti/tagliatelle-crespelle-bottiglia.htmlPreparation
- Remove the cap from an empty plastic bottle and insert a funnel. Pour the white flour and salt through the funnel, then add the eggs, milk and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.
- Close the cap and shake the contents vigorously to obtain a smooth, lump-free batter.
- Heat a pan on the stove until it becomes red-hot; add a teaspoon of oil and distribute it with a scoop.
- Pour the right amount of dough onto the pan, directly from the bottle, taking care to distribute the mixture evenly. Cook the crepe for one minute on each side, turning it with a spatula only when it has formed the golden skin in contact with the pan.
- When the crepe is ready, arrange it on a plate and proceed with the realization of the others.
- Prepare the sauce. Wash the courgettes, trim them and braise them into slices. Collect the courgettes in a pan and sauté them with oil, salt and pepper: cook for about ten minutes, then add the speck cut into strips.
- Arrange one crepe on top of the other, then roll them together: cut the roll of crepes into thin strips, as is used to prepare tagliatelle.
- Open the crepes noodles with your hands and sauté them together with the sauce, adding a glass of milk. Season with salt and pepper if necessary and serve immediately.
Taken from https://www.my-personaltrainer.it/Tv/Ricette/Primi_piatti/tagliatelle-crespelle-bottiglia.htmAlice's comment - PersonalCooker
Try the straw and hay version: mix the pancake batter with a part of boiled and pureed spinach! Or, for a more delicious and Christmas version, pass the pancakes flavored with the sauce in the oven, and leave them au gratin by adding a little béchamel on the surface!
Taken from https://www.my-personaltrainer.it/Tv/Ricette/Primi_piatti/tagliatelle-crespelle-bottiglia.htmlNutritional values and Health Comment on the recipe
Tagliatelle di Crespelle are a food that belongs to the group of first courses.
It is a medium energy recipe, whose calories are mainly provided by lipids, followed by carbohydrates and finally by proteins.
Fatty acids tend to be monounsaturated, complex carbohydrates and peptides have medium and high biological value.
Fiber is scarce, while cholesterol is relevant.
Foods rich in histamine are pecorino cheese and speck; egg white is an istamine-liberator.
The recipe contains gluten and provides a high amount of lactose.
In normal portions and with occasional consumption, Tagliatelle di Crespelle are suitable for most nutritional regimes. It is a food to be avoided, in large portions and with significant frequency, in the diet of hypercholesterolemia. It is not allowed in the diet against celiac disease and lactose intolerance; its relevance in the diet for histamine intolerance depends above all on individual susceptibility.
It is a recipe that does not respect the lacto-ovo vegetarian and vegan criteria.
The average portion of Tagliatelle di Crespelle is 200 g (about 240 kcal).
Taken from https://www.my-personaltrainer.it/Tv/Ricette/Primi_piatti/tagliatelle-crespelle-bottiglia.html