At the Chinese restaurant I tried rice dumplings for the first time and I was thrilled! But you can't always go to a Chinese restaurant! So I did an online search, some experimentation in my kitchen and I found the ideal recipe! I managed to get a dough that, in my opinion, is fabulous: I can't wait to let you try my rice gnocchi recipe: let's see it together!
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Identity Card of the Recipe
- 218 KCal Calories per serving
For about 50 rice dumplings
- 120 g of rice flour
- 70 g of white flour of type 00
- About 120 ml of water
Materials Needed
- Scale weighs food
- Bowl
- Wooden spoon
- Transparent film
- Sharp knife
- Pastry board
- Sieve
- In a bowl, sift the rice flour and white flour. Add the lukewarm water gradually and a little at a time. Knead for a long time, until the water is completely absorbed. If the dough sticks to your hands, add a little more rice flour: the dough must be velvety, soft and free of lumps.
- Wrap the dough in a sheet of cling film and let it rest for half an hour.
- Resume the dough and obtain a sausage 25-30 cm long. Gently crush the upper part of the cylinder obtained, thus flattening the surface.
- Cut the pasta sausage into many slices, a few millimeters thick. To obtain thinner rice dumplings, press lightly on the surface of each slice, taking care to maintain an elliptical shape. Rice gnocchi are thin slices of dough, and have an elliptical and elongated shape, with blunt ends.
The alternative method
To prepare the rice dumplings, it is possible to follow another procedure. After obtaining the dough and left to rest, flour the work surface and roll out the dough thinly with a rolling pin. With a smooth pastry wheel, obtain strips of dough a couple of cm high. Cut each strip into pieces to obtain rectangles. To maintain the elliptical shape, typical of rice dumplings, it is advisable to cut the ends of each rectangle with a teaspoon.- Arrange the gnocchi on a floured pastry board or on a cloth. The gnocchi can be boiled immediately: after having dipped them in lightly salted water, they are ready in 10-12 minutes of boiling. Raw, they can be kept in the fridge for a couple of days: in this case, it is advisable to cover them with a cloth or to close them in a bag, but keeping a certain distance between them to avoid making them stick. For longer storage, freezing is recommended.
Alice's comment - PersonalCooker
How long did it take to make the recipe? Spending little and with very little effort we have prepared our very personal rice dumplings: now we just have to cook them. For cooking, I suggest you dip them in plenty of salted water and boil them for 10 minutes. Later we could flavor them with the sauce we like best! Follow me in the next recipe: I'll show you my favorite topping for these gnocchi!Nutritional values and Health Comment on the recipe
Rice Gnocchi are a suitable food for the formulation of first courses. They have a not too high energy intake, although it should be considered that, unlike dry pasta, gnocchi are already quite hydrated, therefore they will absorb less water during cooking.
The energy intake is mainly provided by carbohydrates, followed by proteins and lipids. Cholesterol is absent and fibers are not too relevant.
Rice dumplings are suitable for most diets, but must be consumed sparingly by diabetics, hypertriglyceridemics and the obese. They are not suitable for the celiac diet as they contain gluten.
The average portion varies according to the seasoning used.