, even for short periods, it induces improvements in cognitive abilities, explains Professor Ettore Cassandro, otolaryngologist at the University of Salerno. "In two of our recent studies, published in Brain Connectivity come on Scientific Reports, we have demonstrated the "existence of a relationship between" continuous use of a hearing aid and cognitive abilities: wearing hearing aids for six months improves cognitive performance, including memory "suggesting the possibility that in the long term this activity may counteract the "onset of cognitive decline.
can avoid the most negative consequences. Hearing prevention and hearing control are two normal actions to do, like any other health check, for example, that of sight or smile.
Hearing loss can be controlled with periodic visits and possibly intervene with a suitable hearing solution. The first step to better deal with hearing loss is to serenely recognize the difficulty in understanding words and perceiving sounds. Secondly, it is good to undergo to a specialist visit for the evaluation of hearing abilities and to detect the possible presence of hearing loss from the first symptoms, to establish the degree and to consider the most suitable solution for the management of one's own case and individual needs.
Thanks to a greater sensitivity towards prevention, today we have many options to deal with and manage hearing loss in an effective and minimally invasive way.