Depending on when it occurs, premature birth has different consequences for the unborn child; in general, the sooner the baby is born, the more serious are the consequent complications.
At present, the precise causes of preterm birth are unknown; however, experts believe that an individual's premature birth is the result of a combination of concomitant factors.
Premature babies show unmistakable anatomical signs, such as low weight, and various symptoms, the severity of which depends on the week of birth.
The therapy aims to moderate the symptoms, so that the baby can end that process of growth in the uterus, interrupted too soon due to premature birth.
The permanence of the fetus in the uterus until the end of pregnancy is fundamental for the correct development of the organs of the future unborn child and for its correct post-natal growth.
This implies that those born of premature birth are the protagonist in spite of an incomplete development of the organs and an incorrect post-natal growth (these problems are all the more serious, the sooner the birth took place).