Edited by Dr. Giovanni Chetta
L"ergonomics (or science of the Human Factor) has as its object the human activity in relation to the environmental, instrumental and organizational conditions in which it takes place. The aim is the adaptation of these conditions to the needs of man, in relation to his characteristics and its activities Ergonomic systems are objects, services and environments that pursue the goal of increasing well-being and quality of life, acting as ideal man-environment interfaces.Ergonomics is becoming more and more important within a society that pushes man into postures and lifestyles that are not natural, therefore not very physiological. In its long evolution, which lasted hundreds of millions of years, from a quadruped to an excellent and discreet walker. climber, today man seems paradoxically to have reversed the direction of evolution by adopting habits of life that lead him to "curl up" more and more on himself under the weight of environmental and psychic stress.
The results obtained so far corroborate the posturological ergonomic approach even if much remains to be done and discovered. The professional collaboration between the various specialists, also trained in posturology, and the technological evolution will be the cornerstones of progress in this fascinating and multifaceted subject.
Essential bibliography
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Bogduk, N., "Clinical Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine and Sacrum", Churchill Livingstone (Edinburgh, 1997)
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Calais-Germain, B., "Anatomy of Movement", Eastland Press, (Seattle, 1992)
DuBrut E.L., "Oral Anatomy of Sicher", Edi-ermes
Ferrante A., "Practical manual of myofunctional therapy", Marrapese publisher
Gagey P., Weber B .; "Posturology", Marrapese publisher
Gagnesi G ,, "TMJ joint and musculo-ligament pathologies", Piccin
Galasso P., "Introduction to Digitized Biometry", Bibliography Diasu, Rome
Godelieve D. - S., "The manual of the mezierist" Vol I and II, Ed. Marrapese
Goyal R.K., Hirano I., "The enteric nervous system", New England Journal of Medicine
Guaglio G., "Dynamic orthodontics and restoration of functions", Euroedizioni
Guidetti G., "Diagnosis and therapy of" balance disorders ", Publisher Marrapese
Hollinshead, W. H., "Functional Anatomy of the Limbs and Back", W. B. Saunders (London, 1969)
Kapandji I.A., "Joint Physiology", Maloine Monduzzi Editore
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Loveyoi C.O., "The evolution of" man's bipedal gait ", The Sciences, nr 245, January 1989
Myers T, "The Opinionated Psoas", Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals magazine
Naik R., Vernon T., Wheat J., Pettit G., "Changes in gait characteristics of a normal healty population due to an instable shoe construction", The center for Sports and Exercise Science Sheffield Hallam University
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Paparella Treccia R., "The foot of" man ", Verduci Editore
Pinnington H.C., Lloyd D.G., Besier T.F., Dawson B., "Kinematic and electromyography analysis of submaximal differences compared with soft, dry sand", Eur J Appl Physiol 3 / June 1994, 242-253
Rolf I.P .; "Rolfing", Mediterranean Editions
Ronconi P. and S., "The foot", Publisher Timeo
Selye H., "The general adaptation syndrome and the disease of adaptation", J. Clinical Endocrinology (1946: 6, 117-130)
Shiffer R., "Dynanometric platforms: posturography", Special Rehabilitation Ed
Souchard P., "Bases of the global postural re-education method", Publisher Marrapese
Valentino Bartolomeo, "Neurophysiology of posture and EMG tests", Ed. Scientifiche Cuzzolin
Other articles on "Posture and Wellness"
- Posture and well-being - Postural examination and re-education
- Posture
- Posture and Wellness - Foot and Posture
- Posture and well-being - Importance of plantar support
- Posture and well-being - Incorrect Podalic Support
- Posture and well-being - Functional Scoliosis
- Posture and well-being - Organic dysfunctions of postural origin