Nature also offers antiseptic plant extracts, such as the traditional bearberry, which are very useful in the presence of cystitis; however, given the low extraction capacity of the infusion, these natural remedies are mostly used in the form of dry extracts or tincture.
The picture is completed by antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory drugs, useful in the phases of flare-up of cystitis to limit pain.
For further information: Remedies for Cystitis (rhizome, roots), birch (leaves), cherry (fruit peduncles), horsetail (aerial parts), ash (leaves and seeds), grass (rhizome), corn (stigmas or "corn barbs"), meadowsweet (flowers ), orthosiphon (leaves), spiny restharrow (root), nettle (flowering plant, roots), pilosella (aerial parts), parsley (aerial parts, roots), butcher's broom (rhizome), dandelion (root) and rod " gold (flowered tops).
ursina (leaves), cranberry or bog cranberry (fruits and juice), strawberry tree (leaves), juniper (berries), heather (leaves), echinacea (aerial parts), horseradish (roots), sandalwood (bark, wood) and nasturtium (whole plant).
(flowers), lavender (flowering tops) and butterbur (rhizome). that characterize them.
Here are two classic examples of herbal teas to combat cystitis.
Herbal tea 1 Against Cystitis
Decoction: bring a dessert spoon (2-4 g) of the mixture to a boil in 150 ml of water for about 15 minutes, then strain. Alternatively, this herbal tea for cystitis can be cold prepared by maceration in water for a few hours; after filtration, the preparation should still be boiled for a couple of minutes. Unless otherwise prescribed, it is advisable to take a cup 3-4 times a day and not to use it for more than a week, maximum two.
To enhance the antiseptic action of bearberry it is advisable to obtain basic urine by favoring the consumption of vegetable foods, or by adding a pinch of bicarbonate to each cup. The use of the root ononide should take place at alternate periods, for example by interposing a 5-day break every 5 days of intake.
To combat cystitis, a generous intake of fluids during the day is, as always, useful.
Herbal tea 2 Against Cystitis
Decoction: Bring a dessert spoon (2-4g) of the mixture to a boil in 150ml of water for about 15 minutes, then strain. Alternatively, this herbal tea for cystitis can be cold prepared by maceration in water for a few hours; after filtration, the preparation should still be boiled for a couple of minutes.Unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor, it is advisable to take a cup 3-4 times a day and not to continue its use beyond a week, maximum two. To enhance the antiseptic action of bearberry it is recommended to obtain basic urine by favoring consumption. of plant foods, or adding a pinch of bicarbonate per cup. To combat cystitis, a generous intake of liquids during the day is as always useful. Compared to the previous one, this herbal tea for cystitis exhibits a greater anti-inflammatory power, and is therefore theoretically more useful in acute phases.