they seem to be a combination of genetic factors - which confer familiarity and predisposition to the development of the disease - and environmental factors which concretize this predisposition. In particular, type 2 diabetes is often related to obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, a diet rich in simple sugars, aging and high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
. In fact, hyperglycemia, glycosuria, hypertriglyceridemia and hyperuricemia tend to occur only in an advanced stage, long after the onset of the disease. In fact, in most cases, the disease is diagnosed by chance.Diet and Diabetes Medicinal Plants and Diabetes
The information on Type 2 Diabetes Medicines is not intended to replace the direct relationship between health professional and patient. Always consult your doctor and / or specialist before taking any type 2 diabetes medication.
. In this regard, in case of familiarity, it is advisable to carry out periodic glycemic checks precisely to identify the disease early. Similarly, even after the age of 40, periodic checks are recommended, even more so if the patient has obesity, dyslipidemia and / or leads a sedentary lifestyle.Nutrition and lifestyle, then, play a crucial role in the prevention of type 2 diabetic disease. The normoglycemic diet associated with constant physical exercise and a correct lifestyle, in fact, are the basis of diabetes prevention. type 2 and its complications.
However, when nutrition and lifestyle interventions are not sufficient to keep the disease under control, resorting to drug therapy becomes essential. Oral hypoglycemic agents are the first choice drugs in the treatment of type 2 diabetes which we remember are characterized by insulin resistance and not by insulin deficiency as occurs in type 1 diabetes. If necessary, it is also possible to resort to the use of drugs injecting antidiabetic agents and, in the most extreme cases, to the use of insulin.
The following are the classes of drugs most used in the therapy against type 2 diabetes mellitus, and some examples of pharmacological specialties; it is up to the physician to choose the most suitable active ingredient and dosage for the patient, based on the severity of the disease, the state of health of the patient and according to his or her response to treatment.