affecting the vagina and the mucous membrane that covers it, frequently (but not exclusively) due to infections of various kinds.Fungal infections (for example, from Candida albicans); Parasitic infestations (for example, from Trichomonas vaginalis); Factors of a non-infectious nature, such as:
sport doping Power supply
(for example, from Gardnerella vaginalis);
- Alterations of hormonal yeasts (as occurs for example, in the post-menopausal period, but also during pregnancy, etc.);
- Alterations of the vaginal environment due to certain pathologies (for example, diabetes) or to the intake of certain types of drugs for shorter or longer periods (for example, antibiotics and corticosteroids).
Other possible factors that can favor the purchase of vaginitis are incorrect / insufficient intimate hygiene, childbirth, the use of too aggressive detergents or intimate perfumes, contact with the latex of the condom, allergic reactions to the same latex or to other products , etc.
For further information: Vaginitis they can vary according to the cause that gave rise to the disorder. Rather common and almost always present are vaginal and vulvar itching as well as vaginal and vulvar burning and irritation. These symptoms can also be accompanied by pain during urination and / or during sexual intercourse and the loss of color and consistency varies according to the triggering agent of vaginitis.For further information: Vaginitis Symptoms ).