List of remedies, divided by categories, with the number of their next position (as established by Bach), with the English, Italian and Latin name:
Category 1 = Fear
- 1) Rock Rose, Eliantemo, Helianthenum nummularium;
- 2) Mimulus, Mimmolo, Mimulus gattatus;
- 3) Cherry Plum, Slimy, Prunus cerasifera;
- 4) Aspen, Poplar, Populus tremula;
- 5) Red chestnut, Red chestnut, Aesculus carnea.
Category 2 = Uncertainty
- 1) Waxed, Piombaggine, Wilmottian ceratostigma;
- 2) Scleranthus, Scleranthus, Scleranthus annuus;
- 3) Gentian, Genziana, Gentiana amarella;
- 4) Gorse, Ginestra, Ulex europeus;
- 5) Hornbeam, Hornbeam, Carpinus betulus;
- 6) Wild Oat, Wild Oats, Bromus ramosus.
Category 3 = Alienation or insufficient interest for the present
- 1) Clematis, Clematis, Clematis vitalba;
- 2) Honeysuckie, Honeysuckle, Lonicera caprifolium;
- 3) Wild Rose, Wild Rose or Dog Rose, Rosehip;
- 4) Olives, Olive, European olea;
- 5) White Chestnut, White Chestnut, Aesculus hippocastanum;
- 6) Mustard, Mustard, Sinapis arvensis;
- 7) Chestnut Bud, Chestnut Bud, Gemma castaneae.
Category 4 = Loneliness
- 1) Water Violet, Violet of water, Hottonia palustris;
- 2) Impatiens, Impatiens, Impatiens glandulifera;
- 3) Heather, Erica, Calluna vulgaris.
Category 5 = Hypersensitivity to influences and ideas
- 1) Agrimony, Agrimonia, Agrimony eupatoria;
- 2) Centaury, Centaurea, Centaurium umbellatum;
- 3) Walnut, Walnut, Juglans regia;
- 4) Holly, Holly, Ilex aquifolium.
Category 6 = Discouragement
- 1) Larch, Larch, Larix decidua;
- 2) Fine, Scots Pine, Pinus silvestris;
- 3) Elm, Elm, Ulmus procera;
- 4) Sweet Chestnut, Sweet Chestnut, Castanea sativa;
- 5) Star of Bethlehem, Star of Bethlehem, Ornithogalum umbellatum;
- 6) Willow, Willow, Salix Vitellina;
- 7) Oak, Oak, Quercus robur;
- 8) Crab Apple, Wild Apple, Malus pumila.
Category 7 = Excessive attention to others
- 1) Chicory, Chicory, Cichorium inthibus;
- 2) Vervain, Verbena, Verbena officinalis;
- 3) Vine, Vine, Vitis vinifera;
- 4) Beech, Beech, Fagus sylvatica;
- 5) Rock Water, Rock Water, Aqua petra.
Brief definition of each Bach remedy
- Rock Rose: fear that occludes consciousness, awareness, blunting of consciousness and awareness.
- Mimulus: fear of poverty, of the dark, of everyday things.
- Cherry Plum: fear of things being done not going well, fear of losing one's mind.
- Aspen: Vague fears and anxieties.
- Red Chestnut: Fear of something happening to loved ones.
- Cerato: uncertainty about one's abilities.
- Scleranthus: uncertainty about an important choice or important choices.
- Gentian: They are easily discouraged by the smallest problem.
- Gorse: pessimism, uncertainty for the future in general, does not believe that anything can be done yet.
- Hombeam: daily life is perceived as very tiring and to tolerate it it seems necessary to strengthen the body and mind; uncertainty of not having sufficient strength to move forward.
- Wild Oat: uncertainty about career choice.
- Clematis: lost in planning for the future, or in dreams about the future or in an unreal world.
- Honeysuckie: Lost in the past who was happy.
- Wild Rose: resignation, passive attitude, lack of courage to change one's life perceived as unhappy.
- Olive: Life is a heavy burden devoid of pleasure; pulls forward for a sense of duty.
- White Chestnut: obsessive thoughts and worries.
- Mustard: moments of depression, as if a dark and cold cloud obscured the sky of life; fear of thunderstorms; meteoropathic.
- Chestnut Bud: Does not learn from negative experiences, repeats the same kinds of mistakes, repeated unpleasant experiences of the same kind, persistent resentment.
- Water Violet: He wants to be left alone, but is bothered by people who burden him with their problems or try to influence him.
- Impatiens: impatient in the face of the slowness and weaknesses of others; prefers to work alone.
- Heather. they always need to have someone close to talk about their problems.
- Agrimony: hides his thoughts so as not to have to fight; he shows his smile, while he suffers in his soul; he abuses alcohol, psychotropic drugs and drugs, to maintain a fake smile, when his soul would like to rebel, but does not dare.
- Centaury: to help others, they become servants and victims of the profiteers.
- Walnut: despite having very specific ideals and beliefs, when, due to a wrong impulse, following strong insistence from others, he renounces them and subsequently regrets it.
- Holly: It gnaws a lot, even for small wrongs.
- Larch: inferiority complex, which prevents you from trying to reach the desired goals.
- End: excessive self-criticism, due to guilt complexes and manic perfectionism.
- Elm: they suffer from not being able to reach too high a standard, which they themselves have attributed; frustrated pride.
- Sweet Chestnut: self-destructiveness, triggered by criticism, which she can't stand; fear of disease; impression of having reached the extreme limit of endurance.
- Star of Bethlehem: bad news trauma, bereavement, bad exam, relative in hospital, financial loss, material damage.
- Wilhw - life has folded them like weeping willows, physically or morally; their shoulders are bent towards the chest, where they hold back their pains with self-pity; they feel they have been unjustly punished by life, but they do little or nothing to recover.
- Oak: Feels like he's fighting a tough battle for survival, even though he feels he doesn't have much hope of making it.
- Crab Apple: desire to purify oneself mentally and / or physically; sometimes this desire for purification is directed towards some symptom or sign or psychophysical problem well determined, freeing himself from which he is convinced that he can be happy.
- Chicory: It is exhausted in the attempt to correct everything that according to him does not work in others, even in the details of their life or their behavior.
- Vervain: is the remedy for teachers or parents who, amidst great difficulties, try to convert their pupils or their children to culture or, simply, to their vision of life.
- Vine: weighs the responsibility towards other people, especially in commanding and guiding them.
- Beech: perceives having failed or not being able to realize their positive ideals in the desired way, in work, in family and social commitment.
- Rock Water: you sacrifice a lot, to lead by example.
Other articles on "Bach remedies divided by categories"
- Description of the 38 Bach flowers
- Bach flowers
- Mental states according to Bach
- Bach flowers: therapeutic bases
- Bach flowers: when are they indicated? What contraindications?
The practices described here are not accepted by medical science, have not been subjected to experimental tests conducted with a scientific method or have not passed them. This information is for illustrative purposes only.