Currently, the only treatment available for the correction of such anomalies in breast development is surgical treatment. Depending on the degree of severity of the tuberous sinus, the techniques that can be used are different. Of course, the choice to carry out a certain type intervention rather than another is up to the plastic surgeon only and exclusively, after an "accurate diagnosis followed by a scrupulous preliminary visit.
of the mammary gland which tends to develop abnormally, assuming a narrow and long shape, often defined as "tuberose" (or "tuber"), but also "tube" or "tubular" (hence the synonym of "breast tubular ").The malformations that characterize the tuberous breasts can manifest themselves from the first stages of a woman's development, therefore from adolescence. The presence of this condition in an adolescent - a period of life which is already complicated in itself - can clearly affect the self-esteem of the woman. patient with consequent psychological repercussions. On the other hand, similar repercussions can also occur in adult patients.
malformation exposure to environmental pollutants and any hormones taken with food.