Edited by Dr. Gianfranco De Angelis
How to get maximum muscle stimulation with an effective training system.
The great confusion about the training systems in the world of physical culture does nothing but often disappoint the expectations of amateurs and athletes, who despite their efforts in training do not get the desired results. Different schools of thought profess diametrically opposed training systems. It is natural that a situation of perplexity, doubt and uncertainty has arisen on the part of the technicians, coaches and practitioners.
Traditional methods involve the use of heavy loads in order to obtain the maximum muscle contraction during the last repetitions of each series. Only through maximal contractions it is possible to reach the stimulus that actually causes the destruction of the myofibrils which, following the physiological principle of "supercompensation" will be rebuilt stronger and more voluminous.This is the principle on which muscle development is fundamentally based.
Another method is to use very light weights, with many sets and very short recovery times among them. The aim is not to seek maximum muscle contraction during maximum effort, but to obtain total muscle saturation by avoiding recovery, therefore the supply of energy substances (A.T.P., glycogen and oxygen). Working for a long time in such conditions, the muscle "freezes" due to the "huge amount of lactic acid that accumulates in the fibers, where the oxygenated blood does not arrive in time to carry away the toxins of fatigue, much less to renew the energy reserves which allow the muscle to contract. To the point that the cell is forced to resort to the only source of energy it has at its disposal: Adenosine triphosphate, ie ATP , which will be reproduced to a much greater extent than normal. This "last training system", based on the biochemical principle of the "Krebs Cycle", is closely linked to the body's ability to recover: minimal hormonal variations, nervous and psychic stimuli not strictly connected to training could compromise the results by triggering the over-training process. In fact, it is understood that a muscle increases naturally only when normal bio-chemical processes have taken place in it: considerable destruction of cells following strong repeated contractions, therefore rest, recovery and food restoration with protein prevalence.
The use of prohibited substances that are harmful to health has created false myths and the illusion of being able to train without taking into account the key factors mentioned above. It is clear that, if there is no significant destruction of the cells making up the muscle fibers treated with training, the reconstruction of the fibers themselves will never occur later, unless extraneous factors intervene. This is why the other works. system, the one with light weights and very short pauses between the numerous series: by blocking the normal supplies of energetic substances, a super production of ATP is stimulated, equally originating the reaction of the cell. With the use of steroids it will be possible to obtain a biological synthesis of proteins far superior to normal metabolic processes, therefore a muscle volumetric increase. It is clear that the effectiveness of this last method is particularly linked to the use of anabolics, since otherwise this training system would have no effect on the thickening of the muscle fibers. My intent is not to propose severe training systems, which few genetically gifted athletes could endure, nor are related to chemicals in terms of functionality. In fact, you try to get good results without having to undergo grueling workouts, and without any risks whatsoever. The training system that I propose to perform has been extensively tested by myself, many athletes have achieved excellent results by virtue of their athletic abilities, their intelligence, and certainly not thanks to steroids. This is why it is a unique training system due to its effectiveness. These are the "three-sets" a very good system that works.
With the "three-sets" a muscle is attacked thoroughly using good loads (so maximum contraction is ensured) and, at the same time, a good saturation is obtained, that is a large blood supply, but surprisingly avoiding congestion ( this is because there is the possibility of recovery). Three different exercises are chosen for each muscle group, then work is done in succession with average rest breaks of 30 to 45 seconds (avoiding too short breaks to allow the muscle to recover to the advantage of the By exploiting the multitude of exercises available and based on the fact that no muscle has a single function, the "three-sets" work perfectly only when the choice of movements, the loads and the rhythm of execution are wisely prepared.
By choice of movements we mean a sequence of exercises that are completely different from each other, in such a way that each of them calls into question a different group of muscle fibers, avoiding to involve those exercised in the previous movement.
The training systems explained at the beginning of this article only partially work in the "three-sets", so to obtain an effective result it is necessary to work hard in the first case, for many hours in the second case. The advantage of the "three-sets" consists in the fact that it brings together the two opposite theories with great time savings. In fact, you can (and must) use demanding loads without the need to respect endless pauses between sets to favor the necessary and indispensable muscle recovery; by adopting three different exercises to each muscle group it is possible to obtain the total contraction at each series since the fibers were only partially engaged in the previous movement, so they are able to perform as they are not congested by the effort just ended.
Speaking in practical terms with a clarifying example it can be said that, while an athlete is training for any part of the body, say for the biceps muscles, he starts with the "standing barbell curls" after the warm-up and works the muscle. with a good load maybe increasing it progressively, however he is forced to respect a certain pause between one series and the other, since, if he did not do it, he would be forced to reduce the weight of the tool or to significantly reduce the repetitions (which is completely inadvisable) . The second system works in the opposite way: the loads are very light so it is not necessary to rest too much between one set and another, since the aim is not to obtain a strong muscle contraction but to achieve total muscle congestion. in this way, instead of the normal five series, it is possible to perform even twenty, sometimes engaging a muscle with three movements for a total of sixty series per session, and this for each muscle group. With the "three-sets" all this is not necessary since, passing from one series of one exercise to another completely different (but for the same muscle group) too long pauses are avoided to wait for recovery, even if using demanding loads, and at the same time it is possible to work intensively with the minimum commitment of time. In fact, three or at most four "three-sets" for each muscle group are more than enough to obtain excellent results, ie an effective stimulus for growth and not just congestion and lactic acid.