Pizza does not clearly fall into the category of first courses, nor in that of single dishes; this is due not so much to the "energy contribution" of the food (which is always quite high), but to the nutritional distribution that characterizes it.
It should also be specified that, although pizza is considered a "traditional food", various types of pizza can be safely labeled as fast-food or even junk food.
, water, raising agents, seasoning fat and possibly cooking salt.The latter, on the other hand, mainly depend on the type of pizza in question; the most common are: tomato, mozzarella, extra virgin olive oil, basil, oregano, chilli, preserved meat and fish, cheeses, vegetables, mushrooms etc. Today, there are many qualities of "dietetic" pizza, where by dietetic we mean a food that satisfies some specific needs such as: the "absence of gluten, the" absence of lactose, the higher fiber content, the lower caloric intake, the " absence of brewer's yeast, the higher biological value of proteins, the use of alternative flours, etc.
Ultimately, there are various types of pizza, different in terms of: basic dough, shape, cooking method, seasoning and method of consumption (fast food or traditional).
), even if quite different from the food that we are currently used to consider "pizza".It should also be specified that the title of pizza is not necessarily attributable to the classic "margherita" or "Neapolitan", since the tomato arrived in Italy only after the discovery of the Americas (from the 18th century). In light of this consideration, it therefore seems logical to deduce that pizza constitutes a real evolutionary form of an "ancient" focaccia.
they basically come from complex carbohydrates and lipids, while proteins play a minor role.
To be honest, the nutritional content of the pizza varies in a more than relevant way according to the topping, especially as regards the fraction of fats.
Considering even only the two basic types of pizza, it is not possible to make a "single chemical evaluation of the food". For greater clarity, before going further into the topic, we invite our kind readers to consult the summary tables below.