Max Plank, born in the 19th century and died in 1947, was a German physicist who discovered and popularized "quantum theory" - hence "quantum mechanics".
To be sure, there is no correlation between the well-known character and the Plank diet; in fact, the "Max Plank Society" (German public scientific research body) has denied any common thread between Max Plank's projects and the objectives of the diet in question. Therefore, there is no link between the German icon of world physics and the weight loss system of the Plank diet. Obviously, it is impossible to understand the reason for such a choice and, what is certain, is that the first impression on the reliability of the protocol doesn't seem like the best.
The Plank diet is a weight loss system to be used only for 2 weeks, at the end of which you "should" end a weight loss of about 9 kilograms. After these 14 days, the weight "should" remain constant for about 3 years, thanks to the metabolic changes imposed on the organism.
", which is an ultra-fast weight loss technique.
We also reiterate that it is a high-protein diet, which therefore provides a quantity of proteins considerably higher than the recommendations (of any country) for a healthy and correct diet.
The Plank diet drastically reduces (and sometimes eliminates) some foods from the ordinary menu (such as sugar and oil). Furthermore, no reference is made to the portions and weights of the foods chosen. Finally, there is no protocol of physical motor activity associated with diet.
, constitution, initial BMI or weight, the following menu is suggested:* QB = How Much Enough
- Some additional indications are: drink water frequently and as much as possible (even over 2 liters per day) to counteract the protein excess (attempt to safeguard kidney health).
- The diet should be followed with fidelity at least from the eighth day onwards. , this is certainly not an unexpected result.
Most of the practitioners of the Plank diet have achieved a positive result, but it would be more important to understand if this corresponds to the goal of the Plank diet: -9kg in 14 days and no weight gain for the next 3 years.
Obviously, any (conscientious) user should not report any comments (if not negative, for any weight gain before age 3) until the application time has expired. For most, that's not the case.
Scrutinizing the comments on the net, whose veracity should still be ascertained, many claim to have obtained results very similar to those expected, therefore between 6 and 9 kg, in proportion to the rigor employed in following the diet. First of all, a "more or less" 3 kg on a target of 9 is absolutely not a good result, as it corresponds to 33% of the total. This fluctuation does not indicate good applicability.
With a nutritionally balanced diet it is not possible (it would not be considered as such) to lose more than 700-1000 g per week, therefore 1.4-2.0 kg in 14 days; however, this prediction is calculated on the relationship between: estimate of the anthropometric characteristics, total energy expenditure and calorie intake of the diet (the latter should not correspond to less than 70% of the real energy requirement). slower (but also less stressful) method "guesses" with remarkable precision the progression of weight loss and, barring complications, leaves no unknowns.
Continuing to analyze what users have written, it is already possible to observe some complaints about the retention potential; among other things, we must always keep in mind that not everyone has the foresight to communicate their negative experiences and that, alas, failure to comply with the diet is often perceived as a personal failure, which exponentially reduces the possibility of public comments negative.
The Plank diet promises: "no maintenance phase at the end of the diet", but it is then suggested to avoid alcohol and sugars (presumably simple discretionary ones, such as sucrose), and to limit carbohydrates (even if we remember that even simple sugars are carbohydrates; this clarification is not clear).
The so-called "aggressiveness" of the Plank diet is to be understood as "drasticity" or "incisiveness"; whatever word is used to define it, it should discourage the most zealous consumers to use it; on the other hand it seems to tempt those who, in order to lose a size, would put their health at risk.
and kidneys) and a level of physical activity that is no more than "moderate", a 14-day high-protein diet should not be harmful to the body. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that it will be necessary to deal with: constant tendency to hypoglycemia , ketoacidosis and dehydration, nutritional deficiency of many minerals and vitamins, lack of dietary fiber, hunger, etc. Often, these circumstances lead to: cramps, weakness, asthenia, sleep disturbance, etc.
It is also essential to keep in mind that the Plank diet, being very rich in ingredients of animal origin, could tend to increase blood cholesterol levels. It is useless to reiterate that an excess of the latter is linked to the onset of atherosclerosis, which is why the Plank diet is to be considered unsuitable for people already predisposed to hypercholesterolemia. Severe diabetics, people with nephropathies or patients should also avoid the Plank diet. liver disease, hyperuricaemic (or gouty) subjects, growing subjects, pregnant women and nurses. Personally, I would also add all those who carry out a "physically intense" work activity and sportsmen.
Beyond all this, the most negative aspect concerns the education and the experience lived in such a slimming process. Accepting such a strongly unbalanced diet means giving in to a slimming drive that reveals too high a discomfort (per day " rather widespread today) and the desire to achieve at any cost a "body image different from one's own; a very bad emotional condition. Moreover, being a diet potentially inadequate to maintain and predisposing to the" yo-yo effect, it contributes to the " accumulation of negative dietary experiences that inexorably worsen self-esteem and the relationship with food.