, that is, those worm-like parasites that infest the intestine of the host organism.
Known in science as Taenia, this flat and very long worm is responsible for a parasitosis called teniasis.
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Known in science as Taenia, this flat and very long worm is responsible for a parasitosis called teniasis.
There are more than one hundred species of tapeworms; of these, however, only three are of pathological interest for the human being, namely: Taenia solium, T. saginata And T. asiatica.
As a rule, humans develop solitary worm infestation after the involuntary ingestion of eggs or larvae belonging to the latter.
For the diagnostic detection of tapeworms, the culture examination of the faeces is fundamental.
Today's therapy is pharmacological and consists in the oral administration of drugs, such as niclosamide, praziquantel and albendazole.