The augmentation of a woman's breasts is a phenomenon that can be considered completely natural and that generally occurs during puberty, but not only.
The size of the breasts, in fact, can increase even after pubertal age and, more precisely, in particular periods of life that are characterized by an "increased synthesis of female hormones par excellence: estrogen.However, it should not be forgotten that the size of the female breast can also be artificially increased by resorting to cosmetic surgery.
Breast and Puberty
Breast Augmentation in Puberty
Breast augmentation accompanies particular moments in the life of every woman, first of all puberty. During this period of psychic and bodily evolution, the two breasts undergo a significant increase (called telarca), while in the male they maintain the typical rudimentary characteristics of the prepubescent period.
At the end of adolescence, it is possible to appreciate significant differences in volume between the breasts of various women. Generally, this variability is linked to a more or less generous deposition of fat in the pectoral fat pad; the development of glandular structures - functional part of the breast as delegated to milk production - it is instead less correlated to the volume of the breast. Also for this reason, the quantity of milk produced in the post-partum period is independent of the shape and size of the breast. For the same reason, it is common experience to observe a significant reduction of breasts in women who - starting from an overweight condition - undergo rapid weight loss.
Breast Size Abnormalities
When breast hypertrophy or hypotrophy are quite pronounced, we speak of macromastia and micromastia (or breast hypoplasia) respectively. These alterations can affect the breast in its glandular and adipose component, albeit with different proportions; pubertal macromastia, for example, is mainly sustained by a "hypertrophy of the glands.
Role of Hormones
Role of Hormones in Breast Augmentation
The pigmentation of the nipple and its areola, the development of the glandular structures, as well as the breast enlargement that occurs during puberty, are linked to the increase in the levels of estradiol, the main female sex hormone. On the contrary, testosterone - which represents the male counterpart - leads these structures to atrophy. It is no coincidence, therefore, that men with low testosterone levels are more likely to develop gynecomastia (abnormal development of the size of the breasts). question, an "atrophy of the female breast in adulthood may be accompanied by an increase in facial and body hair; this disorder, called hirsutism, is often caused by an "exaggerated production of androgens. Even small changes in breast volume and turgor during the menstrual cycle are attributable to changes in the sexual steroids in circulation. Many women, for example, experience a mild increase in one's breasts, accompanied by an annoying tension, in the pre-menstrual period; this condition is caused by fluid retention, the result of the relative excess of estrogen compared to progesterone.
Phytoestrogens and Estrogens
Phytoestrogens and Estrogen to Increase Breast Size
The positive action of estradiol on breast augmentation is exploited in the production of various products based on phytoestrogens, dedicated to that vast female audience eager to enhance their décolleté without resorting to a scalpel. In reality, as we have been able to analyze in the articles devoted to phytoestrogens and soy isoflavones, the estrogenic effect of these substances is about a thousand times lower than their endogenous counterpart. Therefore, expecting to increase the size of your breasts using such products is somewhat, dare I say subconsciously, optimistic. On the other hand, one cannot even think of taking synthetic estrogens, since - in addition to an increased risk of breast cancer - hormonal disruption would cause important problems for the whole organism. It should be noted that some women unintentionally get breast augmentation by taking certain types of birth control pills containing estrogen.
Breast and Pregnancy
Breast Augmentation in Pregnancy
During pregnancy, the increase in plasma levels of estrogen and progesterone, thanks to ovarian and especially placental activity, leads to a "hypertrophy of the breasts; in particular, there is the simultaneous development of secreting alveoli (progesterone), adipose, milk ducts and their ramifications (estrogens). It is singular that these hormones, while inducing hypertrophic changes in the breast, inhibit the secretion of milk; the latter will instead be stimulated by the hormone prolactin.
Mammoplasty is a surgery performed on the breast in order to correct the aesthetic appearance of the breast. Depending on the case, mammoplasty can be defined as:
- Breast augmentation, if it increases the size of the breasts.
- Breast reduction, if it reduces the size of the breasts.
- Mastopexy, if it is intended to lift sagging breasts.