Scientific name
Linum usitatissimum
Parts Used
Drug consisting of dried ripe seeds
Chemical constituents
- Non-volatile oil, composed of fatty acids, such as alpha-linolenic acid, linoleic acid and oleic acid;
- Mucilage;
- Lignans;
- Proteins;
- Cyanogenic glucosides (1%) which can release hydrogen cyanide by hydrolysis, even if subsequently inactivated in the stomach; a very small part of glycosides is instead transformed into thiocyanate, toxic only in high doses.
Flax in Herbalist: Property of Flax
Laxative, emollient, soothing, anti-inflammatory, revulsive and resolving properties are attributed to linen.
In phytotherapy both flax seeds and the oil extracted from them are used. The latter, in particular, is part of the composition of different types of food supplements, since it is a natural source of omega-3 fatty acids.