Preamble to the products: behavioral interventions to be associated with Bach flowers
Bach's remedies stand in opposition to the factors that generate diseases. As far as climatic factors are concerned, in winter it is necessary to wear a wool sweater and dress appropriately with a coat, scarf, gloves and hat and, for those who live in the city, take a trip to the countryside as soon as possible to breathe better air.
Gastrointestinal factors are corrected by a day of fasting and, subsequently, by a light diet or in any case suited to the digestive capabilities of the person. It is necessary to convince the mothers, in front of the child with fever, debilitated and inappetent, that the best solution is a one-day water fast, following the child's instinct, and, subsequently, for a few days, a fat-free diet, fried , sweets, snacks, stuffed sandwiches, cold meals, eaten in a hurry, pickles, products in oil, canned goods, sweetened drinks, meals consumed in front of the television.The flower of vine (Vine) and verbena (Vervain) work wonders for work stress; for the disappointments the flower of Ornithogalum (Star Bethlehem). By administering Vervain to the patient, we will not only relieve them of stress, but will also provide "excellent prevention of flu in incubation" or, if the patient has already fallen ill, accelerate their recovery by 100%. But in addition to prescribing Vervain, it is also advisable to recommend a day of water fasting, to divert energy from digestion, using them more usefully in the work of the immune system.
It can be said that any disease derives from the "accumulation in the organism" not only of physical toxins, such as viruses, pathogenic bacteria and polluting substances, but also and sometimes above all from negative emotions and eating disorders. From this we can deduce the importance of using Bach flowers in the most diverse pathological situations, where unthinkable results can be obtained. Depending on the prevailing negative emotion, one Bach flower is used rather than another: this is the best known way. of use of flower remedies.
But another method of administration allows the Bach flowers to be used in sequence, combined with fasting, in the prevention and treatment of diseases and neuroses, which are nothing but psychophysical disorders, in which the etiological emotional component is prevalent.
The "Bach flower sequences" (SFB) can also be a simple way of self-knowledge and growth. In fact, this is the deeper understanding that transpires from Bach's works. If flower remedies have become so fashionable in recent years, it does not depend only on an imitative fact, but on the need - perceived in an increasingly widespread and conscious - of having a "something" available to transcend the "apparent gray materiality of existence" and concretely approach the mental and spiritual treasures of which the human being is the bearer.
Bach flower repertoire
AGRIMONY (Agrimonia) For those who are horrified by quarrels, disputes, competitions. Elusive people. Hidden torment from others. We prefer to endure without complaints to be accepted by others. Possible physical symptoms: Headache, insomnia, nervous tics. Anxiety with tightness in the chest. Anorexia, bulimia. Grinding your teeth in your sleep. Dependence on psychotropic drugs, alcohol, drugs.
ASPEN (Poplar) Fear of unknown origin. Sense of premonition. Perception of the feelings of others. States of sudden distress. Nightmares that prevent falling asleep. Possible Physical Symptoms: Tremors and sweats in sleep. Fear of falling asleep. Tachycardia. Hallucinations. Nausea. Sexual problems.
BEECH (Beech) Intolerance. Discomfort for the imperfections and mistakes of others. Taste for criticism. When drastic judgments are made about others. Possible physical symptoms: Irritation and inflammatory states. Gastrointestinal disorders. Lack of appetite or eating disorder.
CENTAURY (Fever Hunt): Serve others to feel loved. Submission. You lose sight of the purpose of your life. You work too hard to please others. You can't react and you always say yes. Difficulty discriminating. Possible physical symptoms: Pallor. State of continuous fatigue. He never confesses and them being tired and in need of rest.
CHERRY PLUM (Wild Cherry): Fear of losing control, of going crazy. Rash acts are performed; strong and sudden. Excessive control over oneself for fear of losing it. Possible Physical Symptoms: Calm / apparent orgeat. You cry out in your sleep. Muscle tension.
CHESTNUT BUD (Gems of Inoculano) The same mistakes are repeated over and over again. Inability to mature and transform thanks to the experiences already made. Poor learning and concentration skills. Possible physical symptoms: Headaches always structured the same way. Acne. gastritis. Deconcentration.
CHICORY (Wild chicory): Tendency to actual possession to keep the object of love secured, the primary need to be loved. Possessiveness. Tendency to manipulate others. Feeling of not being loved by anyone. Possible physical symptoms: Depression. Energy blocks Stiffness in the back Disorders of the heart or lymphatic system.
CLEMATIS (Clematis) We are absent and / or dreamers, lack of concreteness, lack of interest in the present life. Distraction, idealism. Possible physical symptoms: Feeling light-headed. Poor memory. Hot, sweaty hands. Frequent loss of balance. Inclination to accidents.
CRAB APPLE (Wild apple) Dirty sense. Need for purification. Shame. You need to get rid of something left in the unconscious. Drug or alcohol intoxication. Possible physical symptoms: Dermatitis, eczema; general skin problems. Intoxication. Digestion difficulties. Infections. Gallstones.
ELM (Elm) Discouragement. Feeling of not succeeding, of not being up to the task. Exhaustion from too much responsibility. Possible physical symptoms: Exhaustion alternating with nervousness. Pain in general. Insomnia.
GENTIAN (Genzianella) Depression and discouragement for known causes. Every little failure causes insecurity and pessimism. Skepticism. Inability to accept the alternating phases of life. Possible physical symptoms: Depression, hypochondria, moodiness.
GORSE (Ginestra) We think that everything is useless and we lack hope. Ambiguous attitude: one is persuaded to try again, but it is said that there is nothing to be done. One gives up while refusing what has happened. Possible physical symptoms: Pallor, dark circles. Chronic diseases such as nervous cough etc. Refusal of food.
HEATHER (Erica) Fear of loneliness. Egocentrism, narcissism. Need to talk. Possible physical symptoms: Imaginary illnesses. Insomnia. Hypochondria.
HOLLY (Holly) Distorted admiration for others, and constant confrontation. Self-loathing. Jealousy, revenge, suspicion, envy. Possible physical symptoms: Depression. Insomnia.
HONEYSUCKLE (Honeysuckle) You live in the past and are too conditioned by good or bad memories. Nostalgia. Sense of discouragement for unfulfilled ambitions. Sentimental losses that cannot be accepted. Difficulty detaching from loved places or people. Possible physical symptoms; Frequent depression. Cry. State of sleepiness. We get sick frequently.
HORNBEAM (Hornbeam) Mental fatigue that affects the body. Feeling of mental load. Effort to perform one's duty while not enduring the daily routine. Possible Physical Symptoms: Heaviness of the head. Eye problems. States of fatigue.
IMPATIENS (Don't touch me) Impatience, irritability, agitation. Difficulty adapting to situations and working with others. Possible physical symptoms: Digestive disorders. Cramps and muscle tension. Insomnia. Inability to relax.
LARCH (Larch) Sense of inferiority. Self-confidence and lack of self-esteem. Agonizing fear of failure. Possible Physical Symptoms: Tendency to take formaci or alcohol. Frequent discontent.
MIMULUS (Mimmolo) Fear whose origin is known (diseases, accidents, poverty, darkness, of being alone, of adverse events, of spiders, etc.). Phobias (claustro phobia, agoraphobia, etc.). Shyness. Fear of the judgment of others. Possible physical symptoms: Excessive sweating. Tachycardia. Stuttering. Sudden redness.
MUSTARD (Wild mustard) Deep and inexplicable sadness. Melancholy: Depression of unknown causes. Introversion. Possible physical symptoms: Sense of inner heaviness that is often localized in the stomach and solar plexus. Deep depression. Loss of energy. Slow reflexes.
OAK (Oak) Stubbornness and pursuit of the goal at all costs. Discouragement despite which one fights. Sense of oppression. You do not perceive the signals of the body that is running out of strength. Possible physical symptoms, "Quick spinning, nervous breakdowns , fainting. Sweating in the hands. Anxiety.
OLIVE (Olivo) Psycho-physical exhaustion when you work or give too much so you are left without energy. Possible physical symptoms: Continuous feeling of sleepiness. Kidney problems. Intestinal disorders. Nervous asthma. Resort to psychotropic drugs.
PINE (Pino) Excessive self-criticism. Guilt feelings. Dissatisfaction with the results obtained. Sometimes we also take responsibility for others. Possible physical symptoms: Anxiety alternating with melancholy. Strong forms of masochism.
RED CHESTNUT (Red Casragno) Too anxious and overprotective behavior. Excessive fear and concern for those you love. Possible physical symptoms: Nervous disorders. Emotional states of great agitation. Headache. Stomach cramps.
ROCK ROSE (Eliantemo) Emergency situations that cause great anguish and terror (fright, accident, nightmares). Fear of death. Fear of being sick. Possible physical symptoms: Panic. Nervous breakdowns. Tightening of the body and loss of speech. The effect of the flower is immediate; it is a real first aid.
ROCK WATER We set ourselves as an example to others. Any sacrifice is made to achieve a goal. Moral rigidity. Possible physical symptoms: Digestive problems. Gastroduodenal ulcers. Hepatosis.
SCLERANTHUS (Sclerant or dry flower) Difficulty choosing between two things. You go back on your own decisions, but you don't ask for advice from others. Alternation. In emotional stability. Possible physical symptoms: Headaches. Irregular menstrual cycle. Car sickness. Dizziness. Nervous fragility.
STAR OF BETHLEHEM (Star of Bethlehem or Chicken's Milk) First aid flower to be used as a remedy for any type of shock, physical or psychological. Anti-traumatic.It removes all trauma even the unconscious ones. It is given to alleviate severe suffering due to someone's death. Great for painful menstruation. Heal the inner wounds.
SWEET CHESTNUT (Chestnut - Sweet horse chestnut) You feel at the limit of your ability to bear. We isolate ourselves from others. External events experienced in a painful way. Possible physical symptoms: Nervous breakdown. Sudden hair loss. Sudden gray hair.
VERVAIN (Verbena) Intolerance of the ideas and opinions of others. Excess of enthusiasm. Intolerance exasperated for injustices. State of tension or excitement. Possible physical symptoms: Headache. Insomnia due to mental over-excitation. Hysteria. Physical tension associated with nervous tics.
VINE (Vine) Unyielding will and tendency to domination. Great ambition often exaggerated. Authoritarianism. Selfishness. Greed. Possible physical symptoms: Heart disease. High pressure. Lack of appetite. Insomnia. Excessive thinness.
WALNUT (Walnut) We often let ourselves be influenced by the ideas of others. In the face of changes, one can feel disoriented. Inconstancy. Useful in all stages of change such as teething, puberty, pregnancy, menopause. It is a remedy that protects against external influences.
WATER VIOLET (Violet d "water) Voluntarily sought solitude. Independence. Confidentiality. Difficulty socializing. Pride. Sense of superiority. Possible physical symptoms: Rheumatic diseases. Muscle tension and bone pain.
WHITE CHESTNUT (White horse chestnut) Thoughts that torment and return persistent even if unwanted. Inner dialogue. Mental torture. Possible physical symptoms: Insomnia. Headache.
WILD OAT Uncertainty in identifying the way to go. Lack of certain vocation. Sense of frustration. Possible physical symptoms: Emotional instability. Irritability.
WILD ROSE (Wild Rose) We resign ourselves without a struggle. Apathy. Indifference. Fatalism. Possible physical symptoms: Fatigue. Abulia.
WILLOW (Willow) Self-pity. Bitterness. Resentment. Grudge. Possible symptoms.
Other articles on "Bach flowers: products and description of the 38 Bach flowers"
- Bach flowers: when are they indicated? What contraindications?
- Bach flowers
- Mental states according to Bach
- Bach flowers: therapeutic bases
- Bach remedies categories
The practices described here are not accepted by medical science, have not been subjected to experimental tests conducted with a scientific method or have not passed them. This information is for illustrative purposes only.