Poorly distributing the diet, managing training in an inadequate manner or dehydrating (with sweating or by means of drugs) it is in fact quite easy to see the "pointer" of the scale go down without reducing, unfortunately, the percentage of fat mass (% BF ).
The most interesting aspect is that, in several cases, the user is even satisfied. This demonstrates the importance of the psychological factor in the weight loss process. Some people, in fact, are said to be "emotionally involved" more by the "outcome of the instrumental measurement than by the rest - the" extremeization of this distortion, which leads to inadequate purgative behaviors. following the loss of control over food, it is clearly visible in bulimia nervosa (BN).
Fortunately, over time it seems that the "average" awareness of the population is increasing until it reaches, often, a specific level of knowledge that is quite good. Especially those who hang out in the fitness environment tend to focus on correct, conscious and above all effective weight loss on fat loss to the advantage of the percentage of lean mass (% FFM).
For the avoidance of doubt, however, we must make a clarification. Knowledge alone is not always able to protect the psyche from certain discomforts. In fact, the casuistry of people with a good cultural level - specific - is vast, but nevertheless falls into the "snare of eating disorder (DCA). If in the BN we observe an almost obsessive attention on the scale, in" anorexia nervosa ( AN) the discomfort focuses mainly on one's own body image (typical discrepancy between the reflected, true image, and the perceived, distorted one).
This "broad premise has the sole purpose of wanting to raise awareness of the (hopefully) small population of users engaged in groped to lose weight at any cost that, after all, the" aesthetic goal has a "really marginal, ephemeral importance, and that he does not deserve to experience hardships like those mentioned above.
For further information: Best Way to Lose Weight for very many - each has a potential, therefore a genetics, a physiological response and resources, different from the others.
However, there is an essential and inalienable key factor: the negative caloric balance; ergo: you have to consume more calories than those introduced with food.
How? By calibrating the diet according to the total energy consumption and one's metabolic state:
- Energy consumption depends above all (not exclusively) on two factors: the basal metabolism (mainly increased by the amount of muscle mass) and motor activity.
- The metabolic state, on the other hand, depends on the ability to manage the nutrients taken:
- The greater the amount of muscle mass and training, the better the ability to use carbohydrates and the higher the consumption of fatty acids (at rest or during low intensity efforts);
- The higher the calorie intake in the long term (remember that they must still be increased gradually, progressively), the worse the efficiency of building fat stores will become, and the better the response to the next calorie cut for weight loss will become.
The above is of above all professional interest; we now proceed by describing the "to do" in practical line.
To learn more: Lose Weight in a Month in 8 weeks;
Useful tips
Here are some diet tips to lose fat:
- First, it is necessary to establish the caloric requirement (there are various methods to calculate the daily requirement; it is necessary to examine the body mass, the height and the level of activity);
- A first approach to fat loss is to make sure you ingest 30% fewer calories per day;
- Depending on how quickly or slowly you lose fat, you can change and optimize your caloric intake from week to week;
- Eat every 2-3 hours. This helps to reduce calorie loads and not feel hungry;
- Carbohydrates must be mainly complex, proteins with a high biological value and not accompanied by considerable quantities of saturated fats (chicken breast, fish, tuna, lean beef, egg whites, etc.) and lipids tend to be unsaturated, with good intake of essential and semi-essential omega 3;
- Do not eliminate carbohydrates, which must make up no less than 50% of the total calories; the accepted soluble sugars are those naturally present in fruit, vegetables and milk;
- Avoid saturated fat and all trans fat, but do not eliminate all lipids, which must make up 25% of total calories;
- Consume vegetables at least twice a day, raw and cooked;
- Consume an adequate amount of protein, not less but not excessive, to prevent muscle loss; in the training of the neophyte, 1.5 g per kilogram of body weight is sufficient;
- Drink at least 1 ml of water for every kcal of energy consumed with the diet; all referred to normocalorica obviously. About 2 liters per day, on average;
- Abolish alcohol. Alcohol has no nutritional value but is full of calories;
- Minimize the added salt, without however eliminating it, especially in the summer months. Rather, flavor your meals with herbs and spices (ginger, cumin, chili, curry, chili powder, or garlic).
- Eat foods that are as natural as possible - ergo: not processed;
- Integrate only if necessary with:
- Multivitamin: we should ingest multiple foods in order to meet the RSI / AI.
- Creatine: helps the body recover faster, as well as indirectly helping to increase strength and lean mass levels;
- EPA and DHA: if fish is absent in the diet;
- Protein powder: useful in the interval between meals and especially after strength training.
The calories burned directly, however, are not the only important factor. To tell the truth, they are the most easily manageable, almost banal component:
- Choose your favorite activity - for example walking, cycling, running etc;
- Perform at least 3 weekly workouts of 60 "or 5-6 of 30-40";
- Maintain a moderate intensity, including in the low aerobic range.
The only risk - in order not to enter into the merits of pathologies such as severe obesity or heart disease - is that, by moving too much, the appetite also increases. It will therefore be necessary to simply decrease the training load.