We come to the crucial question: used correctly, do these vibration plates really work? The answer is: it depends on expectations; that is, from the result that one would like to obtain. One thing is certain: the vibration plate, by itself, cannot compensate for a poor workout.
To learn more: Vibration plate: Does it really work? , often erroneously defined as "toning", but which actually stimulate muscle strength and "hypertrophy".On the other hand, it is undeniable that most of these workouts lend themselves exclusively to neophytes (initial conditioning), or to subjects in particular situations (such as functional recovery, preventive gymnastics, etc.); those who train seriously - let's not talk about hard bodybuilding, but even if only at an amateur level - on a vibrating platform he could not perform anything.
It is possible that the best training on a vibrating platform can be mixed, ie muscle and metabolic, structured as follows:
Alternation of various exercises (circuit training) lasting 30-60 "" l "one, to be performed in isometry or dynamically and without passive recoveries, for a total of 3-5 complete turns; for example: isometric half squat / pistol squat / bulgarian squat, 90 ° dumbbell crosses, plank, push-ups, barbell / dumbbell rowing, lateral plank, dumbbell / barbell straight leg deadlift, isometric dumbbell side raises, barbell / dumbbell curl, dumbbell / barbell French press, front dumbbell raises.
But let's not forget that vibrating stimulation also has pros and cons. There are time limits to be respected and, sometimes, even contraindications.
For further information: Vibrating Platform: Beneficial Effects it is not localized exclusively on the quadriceps, buttocks, leg flexors and lumbar, but also in all the other districts. This is why we said above that, in addition to basic conditioning, vibrating platforms lend themselves to metabolic training: because with the same execution, compared to normal exercise, the general fatigue is certainly greater.
Furthermore, vibrations can "move" all tissues, organs, fluids, etc. It is therefore possible that they affect blood and lymphatic circulation; however, it is not possible to understand to what extent and especially if this has a beneficial role on health.
It is also difficult to believe, despite what the sellers claim, that vibrations have a whole series of benefits such as: increase in basal metabolism and weight loss, improvement in bone density, reduction of water retention and cellulite etc.
Let's go into detail.
For further information: Core Stability Training on Vibrating Platform and peripheral venous which, according to scientific studies, prove to be stimulated exclusively with physical exercise.The lymphatic vessels around the muscles contract only as a result of contraction-decontraction of the striated muscles. During the muscle lengthening the interstitial fluids enter the open vessels, while during the concentric phase they are pushed out. Therefore, the draining effect of the vibrating platforms should be proportional to the entity of the micro-contractions due to the neuromuscular reflex; therefore rather limited.