; it is a generic term that includes many different pathological forms but etiologically classified into two types: inflammatory colitis and / or autoimmune colitis.Crohn's colitis: inflammatory; strictures, small ulcers, fistulas, perianal lesions; less bloody than ulcerative colitis Ischemic colitis: sudden onset vascular disease; pain from mucosal necrosis Collagenous colitis: inflammatory; watery diarrhea, sub-epithelial collagen formation Microscopic lymphocytic colitis: inflammatory; watery diarrhea, increase in intra-epithelial lymphocytes Infectious colitis: caused by infectious pathogens present in the stool Pseudo-membranous colitis: similar to ischemic colitis; fibro-purulent membranes and apical lesions are observed Amoebic colitis: amoebas present in the stool; focal ulcers similar to ulcerative colitis Gonococcal proctitis: "cocci" or "gram positive" pathogenic bacteria; rectal pain and grit with pus production. symptoms of colitis are many and vary between the different pathological forms. They generally concern the digestive system and, consequently, the uro-genital system; general symptoms are frequent (flatulence, abdominal swelling, constipation and / or diarrhea, often alternating, abdominal cramps ...).
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Remember that often a specific diet is able to limit the onset of symptoms related to colitis, as the diet is often the primary cause of the onset of the disorder (see symptoms linked to permanent food intolerances [such as celiac disease] or transient [ such as lactose] during an "intestinal infection).