Stress is actually a positive physiological response of the organism, because it activates the hormonal secretion of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, so that the entire human body naturally puts itself on "alert" to react with defense or escape systems. .
ShutterstockWithout stress he would not be able to respond effectively to such stimuli.
Chronic stress o distress: this is what happens when, in a given period of our life, the problems and commitments that affect us are exorbitant compared to our resources and ability to deal with them at that given moment. Stressful events that are too powerful, frequent or prolonged, or never faced before, overcome the possibility of resistance of the organism, inducing a "phase of exhaustion" of the response characterized by a critical reduction of our adaptive capacities, which predisposes to the development of the disease .
Frequent in our society is, for example, chronic malaise caused by work stress, caused by a variety of factors, including conditions of job insecurity, long journeys to reach the workplace, conflicts with colleagues or with the boss, severe pressures for maximum performance and efficiency, a reduction in the time to devote to oneself and to the family, an imbalance between commitment and responsibility on the one hand and remuneration on the other.
The first symptoms of the stress reaction are constituted, on a physical level, by acceleration of the heartbeat, intense sweating, indigestion, aches and muscle pains; on a psychological level, agitation and nervousness appear, accompanied by difficulty concentrating, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety and depression.
Prolonged stresses are at the origin of the so-called psychosomatic illnesses, which can be classified as mixed responses in which psychological distress is associated with contemporary physical manifestations, and in which the subject often realizes only the physical suffering, involuntarily eluding the emotional component. They consist of headache , skin diseases, pathologies of the gastrointestinal system (gastritis, gastric ulcer, irritable bowel), cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension), pain localized on the spine (neck pain, back pain).
, etc.
The Back school program is characterized by six cornerstones: information, preventive, analgesic and rehabilitative gymnastics, correct use of the spine, relaxation techniques, diet and lifestyle, habit of motor activity.
In situations of tension and anxiety, the muscles remain contracted and circulation is thus reduced, with a consequent reduction in the supply of oxygen and removal of waste; in addition, there is an increase in intradiscal pressure by 50%. All this can cause stiffness. joint, disc disease, spondyloarthrosis and inflammatory processes due to ischemic pain.
A study has shown that music therapy is a valid complementary treatment for those suffering from chronic back pain, also helping to reduce the anxiety and depression resulting from this pathology. (Guetin et al, 2005).
Another very important study has shown that back and neck pain can be caused by professional activity, both for physical and psychosocial stress. (Hagen et al., 1998).
It is therefore useful to carry out breathing exercises to unblock the diaphragm and obtain a better cellular functioning of all organs and systems through good oxygenation, do stretching exercises to relieve muscle tension and use music to enhance its effects.
J Clin Nurs, 2008 Feb 19
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