Today there are numerous courses developed on this principle - also and above all motor training - which help women to reach the awareness necessary to face the moment of "giving birth" to their child with serenity, controlling pain and negative emotions such as "anxiety and fear.
For it to have the maximum therapeutic effect, prenatal physical exercise should not begin during pregnancy, but rather constitute a pre-existing life habit; for this reason it is advisable to prepare for gestation by starting the practice of specific exercises even before conception.
It would clearly be advisable for any mother about to become pregnant to consult a doctor before starting this very delicate process. However, in general, every woman should be not only empowered, but motivated and encouraged to exercise both before, during and after pregnancy.
But why is it so important to practice physical activity during pregnancy? Let's take a brief review of what happens to the musculoskeletal system, posture and cardiovascular system of the pregnant woman.
Bodily changes of pregnancy
No physiological event in a woman has as many repercussions and produces as many changes as pregnancy.
As a consequence of these changes, there are different regions of the body that can undergo the positive influence and the desirable conditioning of physical and sporting physical activity. It must also be taken into account that pregnancy itself is a form of physical "conditioning"; the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system are in fact significantly stressed by weight gain during gestation; the volume of blood increases, the heart slightly hypertrophies; the muscles tend to strengthen but, if not done properly, it can create functional overload of the joints - classic low back pain or cervical pain in the pregnant woman. Just think of the typical swelling of the legs, due to the impairment of the blood and lymphatic circulation, to the soreness of the same, aggravated by overload (weight), to the greater laxity of the ligaments, caused by the specific hormonal action - which acts on the pubic symphysis, for make room for the child - etc.
Speaking of the morphological alterations typical of pregnancy, however, the most evident is the marked lordosis of the vertebral column, which determines an "alteration of the center of gravity and the consequent modification of the global biomechanics, with inexorable alteration of posture as the gestational state progresses.